~Jenna~I didn't waste any time opening up the bathroom door and slamming it close behind me. My shaky hands quickly went to go lock the door but I heard his stomping towards the door. I locked the knob and the lock on the side and quickly took a step back.
I was breathing heavy and the fog in here was not doing anything good. "Helmer." I said while I stared at the door and jump every time he would bang.
"Jenna? What are you doing in here?"
"Helmer! We have to get out of here. Like now!" I said while I look over to the shower curtain and see him looking at me with his hair dripping wet.
"Yes! Like now!" I looked over on the counter and quickly put on the clothes that I didn't even get to put on.
The curtain closed and I heard the water shut off. "Can you hand me the tow-"
I tossed the towel over the curtain and was jumping on my toes because I didn't want to stay any longer. "Hurry up Helmer!"
"I'm trying!" The curtain busted open and quickly he stepped it and went over to the counter and quickly put on the clothes. I looked around for any opening so we can climb out, but just in our lucks, there was none. I growled and looked over to the door right when he spoke again. "Jenna, I just want to talk."
"What's going on?" He whispered in my ear.
"I'll explain later. We have to pass him though." I said nodding towards the door.
He looked over but jumped when he bang the door again.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Now we have to do it fast so he won't expect it." I whispered.
The pounding continued and my heart slammed hard against my chest. I can tell Helmer is cautious and second thinking about this.
"Are you sure? You don't want to wait it out?"
Now I'm the one second thinking about my stupid plan.
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Okay, on three we open the door and run past him. One....two....three!" I ran towards the door unlocking it and pulling open the door.
"Alpha." I nodded towards him while I took a seat in front of his desk.
"So, did you find her." My heart picked up just thinking of her.
His face paled and he quickly looked down at his fingers that were moving around. "Okay. So I called one of the Alphas of the south and called for a meeting. They gladly accepted the meeting and waited for me and my two men at their border line. We talked about the ratings of rogues. I asked if some one had pasted their lands."

Alpha Alcander
Werewolf[#1 in wearwolf 6/8/17] "Come on Jenna. Just one word." He taunt. He gripped my wrist in one hand and trailed his hand down my side to my hips. His hand went under my shirt and rested on my skin that sent sparks through my body. His finger did desig...