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Thank you for the awesome and amazing cover @Hot_topic_jada


He walked past me, while I stood shocked.

What am I supposed to say?

Oh,sorry for my Alpha. Want to talk about something else?

"Alcander. Wait, I didn't mean to bring them up and him." I said while I jogged towards him while he walked by the pack people who bowed their heads in respect.

"I'm going to do pack things. Go see other people."He growled out.

His shoulders were tensed and I couldn't help but feel guilt crawl up my throat. "Alcander. Stop please."

He started to slow down, which I took that as a chance to catch up with him. "Look, my Alpha was someone who thought as himself as an powerful Alpha. I didn't knew he was the cause of your parents death-"

He spun around and walked towards me, while I tried to stop my feet from tripping over themselves from the sudden halt. "Yeah, I bet you didn't know about it. How old are you Jenna?" he growled.

"Nineteen, why?"

His face was still in a scowl, but his eyes were slowly starting to turn to blue. "I'm twenty two right now. My parents were killed when I was twelve. I was forced to be an Alpha at that age. I was taught how to become the person who I am now by myself. My father used silver to who ever didn't submit or disobeyed him. I didn't have an uncle or aunt. I was by myself when they died. My mother was about to give birth to my baby brother, but he decides to come and take that only chance I had to have a sibling with me. My sister left with her mate and didn't found out till a year later on. I was with Zelix at the time when they attacked. And that's when my whole life turned around, and that's when I knew I had to kill him. When I went your land, I went there to kill him and kill him in front of his son. I was going to kill his luna too, but that's when I found you. When I slashed his side, that was the only time I gave some one mercy. I regret it." He growled out while his eyes turned to blue, He looked at me but he turned around and shifted to his wolf form and took off to the woods.

I stood there in shock. It felt like my heart was ripped out and torn to pieces.

I remember that. I remember that, because my father told me what he was going to do with Ian.


I found Helmer walking around the grounds, but thanked the moon goddess for giving him clothes. He smiled at me when he saw me and walked towards me. "I left when you pulled him for a kiss. I didn't want to see any of that. But the question is, you're okay with him now? Why?" he said while we walked side by side waving at some pups here and there, or some wolves walking by.

"I don't know Helmer. I guess it was the bond thing.  But I'm not thinking about that." I said while I kicked at some rocks.

"What now? He tried raping you?!" He growled.

"What?! No! My old Alpha killed his parents  when he was just twelve, and he was force to be an Alpha at that age. You know how hard it is to grow up so fast at that age and take care of a pack, and not let them get invade and killed because of how young he was! Helmer that's a huge step of responsibility for a pup to take care of. No wonder they called him ruthless and the most feared. " I said while I stopped walking and stared at his blue eyes.

He stayed silent for awhile and I sighed heavily. "You don't know how much I feel guilty right now. I can't believe-"

"Jenna. Stop. You're acting if like you killed his parents. It was your Alpha that did it. No big deal." He started to walk away and I gasped while I looked at his back.

"Helmer! You can't just say it's no big deal! What would you do if you found your mate, and found out your parents have been killed by her Alpha! How would you feel!?" I yelled to him while he stopped and turned towards me.

He growled,"My mate would not be living with someone that mad."

"Exactly! I didn't think my own Alpha had done that to his parents! She was pregnant Helemer! She was ready to give birth to his baby brother! You know how hard that is for him to lose his parents and his baby brother?!

"I wouldn't know the feeling."

"Exactly! He was so young! He didn't even have no one with him to help him through it. He was alone Helmer. His sister was already an adult and with her mate. She wasn't there with him. She barely found out a year later Helmer."

He stared at me while I took a breath in. "When he went to my land, he was going to kill my Alpha, but he found me instead."

"Then he done the right thing to do and not kill him. Instead he rather tell you, then making you scared of him."


We walked around some more and I met up with Janet telling her about Helmer and about Kalmin. She was happy that me and Alcander are starting to change things around. I told her what he told me earlier on. She told me he was  a type of person who kept things locked up in side for a long time. She said he rarely talked through that stage of his life. She said he was a ruthless Alpha before, he still is she said. But not as bad as before. And for a child, that is crazy for him to have a mind like that.

The sun was starting to set, yet Alcander hasn't came to his house. I'm walking around his halls, looking through each room. His estate is massive. It's not a regular house size. Not even the same size as the pack house. I decided to cook something, because I haven't ate since the afternoon from Janets sandwich.

   I walked down stairs, towards the kitchen. I took out some things to make some meal with meat. But when I was about to open the fridge door. The door slammed open with a band, and while I heard heavy breathing coming from there. There was another bang, indicating he slammed it close. He came walking in with nothing on while sweat dripped down his neck to his chest. He gave me a glace but didn't say anything and walked up stairs leaving me behind.


There's more to his story. but that's the only the begging to his story.

He may be a dîck , but he's someone who's fighting with his own demons too.

Anyway see you guys soon!!


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