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I shifted and stood naked staring at the dead corpse in front of me. Zelix was gone, staying at the pack taking care of it. I took two warriors with me and now we all stood naked staring at the dead rogue.

"O-our Luna did this?" One of them asked behind me.

I didn't answer him. I saw his neck slashed and his ribs showing. I stood tall staring at what my mate is capable of. I felt my lips go up to a smirk, because it's a fresh kill.

"She's close." I said while I looked up and looked around. 

"B-but Alpha, we are near the northwest. If she traveled any further she must've passed someone's territory." I clenched my jaw because I knew he was right. I haven't touched this land yet, so I don't know who has these lands.

I turned around and see them staring at the dead corpse and then looking up at me. "We'll head back. I have something in mind." I said while smirked just think about Jenna.

Just wait mate. You had enough fun playing your games. Just know I'm coming, and I always win.


I mind linked Zelix to bring me short because we were close to the borders.

I shifted and saw Zelix looking behind me looking for his Luna.

"Where is she?" He said while he tossed me the shorts after I shifted.
"Not with me obliviously." I said while I walked past him and heard bones snap telling me my warriors are shifting.

"Did you find out where she left off to?" He said while he jogged to my side.

"Yeah, she's down the northwest area. Probably in someone's territory."

He stuck out his hand slamming it in my chest. I stopped as he went in front of me. "The hell? How are you not freaking out? She's in someone pack, with an Alpha...not you...someone else."

"I understand that." I said calmly.

"You're not mad?"

"Oh no, I'm furious. You want to see me mad right now because I was trying really hard not get mad." I felt my wolf stir around my mind and his eyes grew huge.

"No, no it's fine. So, um...what's going to happen next?"

"Just shut the hell up for a minute damnit."



"Why do I have to shower in your room?" I said while I was walking down the hall with Kalmin and Helmer.

"For the millionth time Jenna! Both you guys are taking a shower in there! There is no other shower because this is my house!" He growled out.

"Okay." I smirked while Helmer was shaking his head and mumbling something to himself.

He pushed open the door and stomped towards the bathroom. He slammed the door open and started to turn on the water. "Go." He pointed towards the shower while looking at me.

I looked to Helmer but he's looking down, probably because I'm still naked. I sighed and walked towards the door which he was standing in front of. So I waited till he moved away and was about to walking in but he gripped my neck and made me look away from him. "Next time Jenna, I'm killing you. Quit your child play." He said in my ear then shoved me in the bathroom and I was about to turn around and telling him off but the door slammed shut.

I growled and dropped the clothes in my hand and stomped right in the shower. I'm surprised that I didn't slip because of my act but I was mad. I violently washed my hair with his shampoo and conditioner and washed my self with his body wash. I mumbled to myself that I don't even know what. I was just saying random things.

I shut off the water and found the towel sitting on the counter. I walked out and instantly my skin was filled with goosebumps. I wrapped my arms around myself and walked over to the towel. I started to dry myself off but the door slammed open and I squirmed trying to cover my self as fast as I can. His hand clasped on my arm tanking me out and then pushing Helmer in. The towel fell while I was being yank so I was still dripping wet and my clothes are still in there.

"Let. Go!" I yanked my arm back and and went to grab the towel. I quickly picked it up and wrapped it around myself. I growled, "what the hell Kalmin!"

I looked towards him and see him shaking his head with one hand on his forehead. He growled and started to breathe heavy. I took a step back because I didn't like the feeling I was getting.

"Sorry." He gritted out through this teeth. He looked up and I see black mixed with green in his eyes. I took another step back because all I knew that black mean something bad going to happen. Like Alcander. He growls again and shook his head. "No." He breathes out heavily. I looked on the ground looking for anything to cover myself even more because I didn't like atmosphere in here.

"No!" He growls again and shook his head. He looked at me with black eyes but he shook his head again and his eyes went back to almost a dark green. "No!" He shut his eyes tight and growled. He started to walk away but he would sway back and forth. I backed up till I was slammed against the door but he fought with his wolf to get out of the room.

He was close to the door but he growled again and stopped. His breathing went back to normal and he stood straighter. I had wide eyes because I have never seen him like this before. Audrey was trying to tell me something but I can only hear muffles from her. He cracked his neck and stared at the door. He rolled his shoulders and I heard him sigh and then chuckle. My hand went behind me searching for the knob. I looked behind me and saw I was nowhere close to the knob so I went to reach for it but he spoke.

"Wow. My baby Jenna." I clenched my jaw because I knew that voice and I always hated that voice from him.

His wolf.


Sorry! Super short chapter but next one would be chaos!


And sorry for the short scene with Alcander. I'll make a better one with him in the mean time.


Anyway see you guys soon!!

Anyway see you guys soon!!SS

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