Chapter 4: The Wall

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      Nathan took the rear, with Krosis at the front, leading , with Zorm and Lithe taking up either flank. As they neared the wall, the atmosphere changed from warm and slightly humid to cold and foggy, the warmth sucked in by the darkness that enveloped the area, canopied by towering trees there was very little sunlight, enough to make seeing anything more than a few feet away tough.

Zorm and Lithe lit their torches in unison, and moved as a single entity. Gone was the cheerful attitude Nathan observed as they traveled toward the wall, everyone was on edge, and the mood honestly frightened Nathan. The torches threw shadows everywhere and to Nathan it looked like every part of the forest looked the same, but Krosis still led with a determined step and Zorm and Lithe looked like they placed their complete trust in Krosis.

The path they followed was overgrown with reeds and other plant life, Krosis cut a way forward and marked one out of every five trees to prevent them from going in circles and losing their way.

After what seemed like hours, they emerged in a clearing that was as dark and foreboding  as the forest. 

"We'll camp here for the night" said Krosis, "I need rest if we want to keep heading the right way"

When Krosis turned towards the group, Nathan noticed the dark circles under Krosis's eyes. He looked years older than back when they entered the forest. He made a mental note to ask about it later.

"Zorm, set up camp, Lithe, set up a perimeter, and Nathan, get a fire going",commanded Krosis and then sat down in a meditative stance.

Lithe darted off and started setting traps and weaved a thin web of thread around the trees closest to the clearing and hung bells at regular intervals to serve as a proximity alarm of sorts.

Nathan gathered some dry twigs and branches and got a fire going in the middle.

Krosis got up and took a seat near the fire and started warming his hands.

"You look tired" remarked Nathan,

Krosis looked up at Nathan "This place has an extremely dark aura. It takes all my strength and willpower just to guide us the right way" 

"Wait, you're a magi??!", exclaimed Nathan. "I thought the destined didn't have magi"

"I'm a warrior mage. I specialize in both the arcane and hand to hand combat. I'm also pretty handy with other forms of weaponry. I hope that answers your question " replied Krosis with a tired smile.

"So it is you who killed the High Inquisitor" 

"So you were the other presence i sensed in the room with him", remarked Krosis, "The man was part of a guild involved with necromancers"

"Necromancers?", asked Nathan, "What are they? Why kill someone for being part of a guild?"

"They use forbidden energies to give life to the dead, making them thralls that have no fear of death and obey without question", said Krosis, "Our quest wasn't to kill your so called inquisitor. It was to observe and study the undead in this very forest"

Lithe and Zorm joined them at the fire, and listened along with Nathan, who was suddenly on high alert.

" There have been an increasing number of incursions on our empire by groups of undead. Someone frequents the wall and commands these monstrosities to mount attacks on both fronts..."

"But there have been no attacks on the exalted for a long time..." interrupted Nathan.

"Do you really think that the exalted are bolstering their ranks to start another war?", asked Krosis, "Your empire is defending itself against this onslaught of the undead the same as we are, just that we think its better that our citizens know the truth"

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