5 Story's

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The smell weaved into my clothes as I stood aside the crackling fire.

The smell weaved into my clothes as I stood aside the crackling fire

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Suddenly, a side of the building crumbled to the floor like it had been stepped on, a huge wall of dust approaching us, engulfing everything it came across.


A gun shot rang out hitting a near by person, the silence was unbearable, which was soon broken by a delayed scream and a pattering of feet, slowly decreasing as it got further and further away.


My face prickling with the cold, fingers and toes numb unable to feel or cope with the pain any longer, I was dying slowly. Snow piled up against my body as I felt my eyes close, and fall into an endless sleep.

 Snow piled up against my body as I felt my eyes close, and fall into an endless sleep

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Slowly, I moved my head, up above the snow covered ground. Tufts of brown dying grass skattered  the waste lands, a chilling must settled around me freezing my muscles to my bones. I lower myself back down, so I  was safe and out of range of being shot.

Steadily, I moved my head to the left to look at my comrads shuffling around each other, trading their warmth whilst trying to get a few moments of prized sleep.

However, I was on duty along with my icecubed friend who shivered in fear and cold next to me, he was only 15, yet he was allowed in the front rows? I senced that he had turned his body to check on the enemy's.

Suddenly, I heard a gun shot, it ringed in my ears letting me know that who ever was shot was close by, I saw my friend slump down onto the floor, crimson blood dripping from his right eye, slowly making its way down his face and on to the muddied floor.

I shouted his name and fell to my knees cradling his head in my arms, I grabbed  my sleave with my opposite hand, ripped a piece off it and dabbed gently at his bloodied eye, I felt my heart strings tug as he let out a small whimper and a tear fell from his left eye and dripped on to my green uniform.

Slowly he took something from his pocket, pressed it against my chest and  spoke with a quivering voice "tell Madeline... I love her" and he was gone.

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