Chapter 1

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The names Kalrie. Klarie Purdy to be exact. Back in 2009, my big brother, Ashley, left me with my abusive mom to become some big rock star. I haven't spoken a word to him since the day he left; and god do I miss the hell out of him. Not even a damn letter from the bastard. I have no way to communicate with the outside world. My mom usually spends her paycheck on some kind of drug or a hard liquor. 

I got home from my job, like I did everyday. As soon as I had one foot in the doorway, I was met with a kick to the stomach. Happy birthday to me right? Shit, I knew that my mom was going to beat the shit out of me, like normal; but I knew, I knew that today was going to be worse. My mother hit me more until she eventually calmed down enough and sent me to my room. I ran up the stairs, crying and wishing that Ashley was there to stop her from hurting me anymore. I grabbed the blade out of my wallet and made many cuts across my arms and watched as the warm red liquid ran down my arm. *shit* I cursed to myself, remembering that my friend Jordan was taking me to a concert tonight. Thankfully, none of the cuts were deep enough for stitches or shit like that. I ran to the bathroom that was attached to my bedroom and got into the shower, letting the boiling water wash away all the blood and all of the physical pain. Once I was done, I put on my outfit that consisted of a black leather jacket, a few bracelets, leather pants, a handcuff belt, finger-less leather gloves, and combat boots. I quickly did my make up before I  looked up at my clock, seeing as I only had ten minutes before Jordan would be here to pick me up. I had just graduated a few days ago and was I was also 18. So, I was legally allowed to leave this shit-hole in my dust. The thought of being away from my mom made a smile break across my face. The sound of pebbles hitting my window tore me from my racing thoughts and I grabbed the stuffed duffel bag and backpack that I had packed earlier. I threw them out of the window and then climbed out myself. Just before I hopped out of the window, I turned around to get one last look at my bedroom. My bedroom, the place that I bled in, cried in, and almost took my life in. This is the last time I will ever have to be in and see this hell-hole that I called home for 18 years. With a wide smile across my face, I hopped out of the window and landed with a soft thud. I turned and I raised my middle finger to the house before grabbing my backpack, since Jordan had already grabbed the overstuffed duffel bag, and ran to Jordan's car.

"Let's get out of here," I said, sending Jordan a smile as he started up his car. He sent me a loving smile, grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it.

"Let's go start our adventure, Klar-bear." He responded and peeled out of the drive way, heading to the concert location.

We got there and Jordan parked his car a few blocks from the venue. As we made our way to the venue, we received odd looks by people walking around. It could have been because of the way we both looked, but I'm ninety-five percent sure it's because Jordan was giving me a piggy back ride while screaming at the top of his lungs. 

*after the concert*

I was still bouncing from all the excitement after they played the last song. Jordan had me up on his shoulders for most of the concert, which gave me an amazing view. We were walking towards the end of the row that we were in during the concert when Jordan stopped me. He handed me an envelope and a small smile laid on his soft features.

"Go on, open it K." He spoke with a happy expression.

I gave him a confused look before I tore open the envelope only to find two backstage passes. My jaw dropped and I was beyond ecstatic. Before I knew it, I had my arms wrapped around his neck and I gave him a bear hug.  I'm sure, no, I know, people think that we were dating but I have known Jordan since I was in diapers and he is my best friend.

"Thank you, so much J. You have no idea how much this means to me. God, I love you so much J. Thank you so fucking much. It means the world and more to me." I whispered in his ear, tears building, as I hugged him.

"You're welcome Klar-bear. Now, let's get back there so we don't miss them." He whispered back as he pulled away from the hug. "Shall we?" He asked as he held out his hand and bowed slightly.

I gave him a light laugh before returning the bow and taking his hand. " We shall,"

We both ran to the backstage entrance, showed the guard our passes, and walked in. Once the door was closed, Jordan threw me over his shoulder and ran to were the band was supposed to be, almost wiping out as he rounded the corner. He opened a door and I guessed that we were in the room with the band. I couldn't see anything but his ass, so I assumed that we were in the Black Veil Brides dressing room. Jordan walked in screeched, which was a dead give away that we were in the presence of the Black Veil Brides. In all of his excitement, Jordan ended up dropping me as his hands flew up to cover his mouth.

"You are such a  fucking ass, Jordan. I hope you know that" I said as soon as I stood back up, slapping Jordan in the back of the head.

"I am but you love me and you fucking know it." Jordan said back before he swatted my ass.

The guys were all in the process of removing their make up and I couldn't recognize any of them. Then, who I thought was Ashley, ran up to me and pulled me into a bear hug. I was completely thrown off guard. He pulled away after a few second and when I looked up, I saw my brother, my Ashley. I pulled him into another hug and cried into his shirtless shoulder while he hugged me.

"Why did you leave me? Why did you let her do all those awful things to me? How the hell could you leave me like that?" I sobbed and my arms tightened around him. 

Somewhere in the background I heard someone clear their throat. "Ash, do you know this girl?" CC asked, giving Ashley a bewildered look. Ashley pulled away before looking over to CC to respond.

"Yeah, I do CC. Guys....This is my little sister."

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