Chapter 3

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I raised my eyes and was met with a shocked and angry Ashley. Andy couldn't bring his eyes off the floor. Ashley was pissed, more like furious, and I knew it. He grabbed my arm harshly and dragged me off the bus.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Ashley yelled in my face, shoving me against the side of the bus.

"I DON'T KNOW! HOW ABOUT YOU GO ASK YOUR ABUSIVE, PIECE OF SHIT, MOTHER." I yelled back, shoving him away from me. My response only made his anger grow.

Ashley grabbed my wrists tightly and I winced at the force he used. Everybody was outside staring at us, unsure of what to do. Andy shook my shoulder and I just looked up at him. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"We need to talk in the bunk room when your done out here." He whispered barely enough for me to hear.

"Okay, I'll be there in a moment. I just have to finish talking to Ash." I whispered back.

I turned back to Ashley and he wore a look of complete shock on his face. I sent him a nasty glare as Jordan walked over to me and helped me back onto the bus. Jordan gave me a sad smile before pointing to a pair of crutches.

"Jinxx said you could use those. They still had them on the bus from when one of the roadies sprained their ankle during one of the first shows of the tour." He said softly while giving me another sad smile and handing me the crutches.

I wish I was at Jordan's house watching movies until 3 AM, while we stuffed our faces with every kind of junk food imaginable. I wish I hadn't come to the concert at all. Nodding a thank you to Jordan, I picked up the crutches before stumbling back to the bunk room. As soon as I closed the door, a pair of lips were pressed against mine. Our lips moved in sync as Andy picked up and took me to a bunk. I pulled away and saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes staring at me.

"Ashley had shown me pictures of you from when you were little. I just never thought that you would be this beautiful if I had ever gotten to meet you." Andy said while he tried to catch his breath.

"Honestly, I didn't even know that Ashley was in a band. I never saw any of you guys without makeup so I didn't realize that Ash was apart of Black Veil Brides. He's never tried to call me, text me, or even send me a letter. I always knew that I was too much of a burden for him to handle anyways. " I just looked back at Andy as he laid down next to me.

"When he first joined, all he would ever do is talk about you. He would always talk about how much he missed you and about how he wished he had never moved away." He said seriously.

I let out a sarcastic laugh before deciding to respond. "I highly doubt he did that. If he really gave a shit about me, he would have at least tried to call me."

"Well, that's what happened." Andy gave me a sad smile. "If you'd like, you can sleep in my bunk tonight. If you don't have any plans tomorrow that is."

"I don't have anything planned for tomorrow, so yeah." I smiled up at Andy and kissed his cheek.

I saw and heard a camera go off and looked up to see an innocent looking Jinxx hovering over us with a camera. He jumped off of his bunk and ran to the living room area of the tour bus. He showed the picture to Ashley and Ashley just glared me as his face grew red with anger. Ashley grabbed me by the hair, trying to get me off of the bus, but not long after, Andy had his fist connecting with Ashley's stomach. Ashley let go of my hair and punched Andy in the face.

How could I have been so stupid? I knew this wasn't going to work out, I knew that I had caused this. So, I ran off of the bus and out in to the street. I heard tires squeal on the pavement and as soon as I turned around, headlights were right in front of me.

Everything happened so fast. People were yelling and screaming all around. 

"A-Andy, what's going on?" I whispered.

"Sshhh, just be quiet, okay? An ambulance is on the way. Just try to stay awake for me, okay? Everything's going to be okay." Andy spoke quietly as he kissed my forehead gently.

"I'm gonna warn you, I hate hospitals." I said trying to the best smile I could make.

My vision began to go blurry and my eyes slowly drifted shut.

"Klarie.." Andy said. "Klarie.." He kept saying my name, getting louder and louder each time, yet it just kept getting quieter and quieter.

"KLARIE!" Andy yelled at me once more before everything faded to black. 

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