Chapter 10- Visitor

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Bella's Pov
Yesterday was surprisingly fun. I let Carter sleep on the couch last night while I slept on the bed. Aren't I just generous?



Well I think I am..

I woke up to see lily pad green eyes and I knew who it was. Chelsea. My eyes were still partly closed so she didn't see me open them. I screamed and scarred the daylights out of her. Carter was still in the room so he got up really fast out of bed and got his gun looking towards me. He saw me laugh and Chelsea get up holding her chest. He sighed and got up. He only had shorts... Showing his well defined 8 pack and his v-line.. Bella tame yourself.. I took a deep breath and Chelsea was looking at him with wide eyes. Carter looked at me and smirked going to the bathroom. I looked at Chelsea and heard the shower start to run.

"Dang! That was a show!" Chelsea said and wiggled her eyebrows at me. Wes then came in with only shorts too showing his 8 pack and v-line.

"Have you seen Carter?" He asked looking at Chelsea for a second and then at me smirking. I blushed and pointed at the bathroom door. He smiled and Chelsea nudged me and got up and went out. Wes smirked and walked over to the bed and helped me up.

"So. How are you liking it so far here?" He asked and held my hand while he sat down and made me sit in his lap. I blushed because what position we were in. I was straddling his lap while he played with my long curly hair. I looked down and he made me look back at him. Wes is a attractive looking guy and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a pull towards him. But for some reason I feel like I'm betraying Carter.. He was really close to my face.

"Erm. Yea. It's really nice h-ere!" I cracked up at the end when he groaned and I felt a bump. He threw his head back and he looked at me and smirked. My face felt like a tomato. The bathroom door opened revealing Carter with only a towel around his waist. When he saw me and Wes he instantly went mad.

"What the heck do you think you're doing Wes?" Carter yelled at Wes. He smirked and got up with me still on him. He held me up by my butt.

"Ooo. Is Carted jealous?" Wes asked and Carter growled and walked towards us and pushed Wes making him fall. While he did his kinda threw me up and Carter caught me holding me bridal style. He looked at me while concerned eyes and them back and Wes.

"Get out Wes. We'll talk about this later" he said and Wes got up and smirked and winked at me then walked out. Carter sight and sat me back on my feet. I away in short shorts and one of Carters over sized t-shirts.

"Get changed. I'll be down stairs" he said and kissed my head and went into the closet and after a minute he came out in black jeans, a grey shirt, and black Jordan's. He then went out. I sighed and went into the closet getting a white crop top that met my black leggings, white tennis shoes like I had on yesterday, and a black leather jacket. I left my hair in its natural curly hair. I flattened it so it wasn't a poofy mess. I stretched and went don't the stairs and heard a knock on the door. I heard Carter yell don't get that but I did anyway. I saw a tall figure so I looked up to be met by similar grey eyes as Carter. The guy smiled and pushed me aside walking in. Carter then came down the stairs and looked at the guy with a shocked impression.

"Nice to see you Carter. Oh. And who is this beauty?" The guy asked Carter, while taking my hand and kissing it.

"Logan. Take your hands off my girl."

"I'm not your girl!"

"Princess this is not the time"

Chelsea came down and looked at us and shrugged going back were she came from with a flip of her hair. It's so short... It bothers me.. It's such a pretty color though.

"So. If you're wondering why I'm here that's a good question. Why am I here? Oh yea. I heard you got yourself a girlfriend so I came to visit you" he said keeping a hold of my hand and bringing me in front of him holding both sides of my arms.

"Logan you're supposed to be in jail" when Carter said that I went into panic mode and tried to wiggle out of Logan's grasp. He just tightened it and it hurt! Carter must have saw because he got out his gun and had a deadly look on his face.

"I won't hesitate to shoot her pretty little brains out" Logan said getting out his own gun pressing it against the side of my head. I had to decide something here.

"YEET!" I yelled jerking my leg up behind me kicking him in the nuts causing him to drop his gun and grab his private area. I escaped his grasp and yelled for the guys while running behind Carter. The guys soon came down with guns and as soon as they saw Logan recover getting his gun Pierce, Ash, Connor and Wes built a circle around me while Carter and Cole fought Logan. I saw Chelsea come in I told her to go and she came in the circle with me. Then all you heard was a gunshot. I felt a warm liquid in my stomach followed by pain. I looked up and Chelsea screamed looking at me in terror.

I fell to the ground holding my stomach. It's only been a few days and I got shot. I heard muffled yells and screams I saw the buys restraining Chelsea back from me and Cole holding back a laughing Logan. But all I heard and saw last was Carter...

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*
Authors Note
You guys love me😏 I know you do. Sorry for any typos


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