Chapter 34- Big day

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Bella's Pov
"Carter wake up! Today's the day!" I whispered that to him a million times until I got mad. And then I decided to do the calmest thing I would probably do in my whole entire life living with Carter. I yelled..

"CARTER!" I yelled and he got up really fast and moaned grabbing his head from were he drunk too much yesterday. Hehe he got a hangover for some reason I stuck my head in his neck and sniffed and gladly I didn't smell perfume I then kissed his neck happy with him and pulled back.

"Hey sleepyhead! Today's the day!" I said straddling his lap. I teased him by grinding into him and felt his bulge that made me roll my eyes because I easily turn him on he is crazy for me. He groaned and grabbed my waist roughly, he sat up and tried to kiss me but I pulled back and got up. He glared at me before laying back down holding his head from his headache.


"Just wait till the honeymoon" I said winking at him. I got clothes on and headed to Chelsea's house where Ava and her already had their hair lightly curled to perfection with natural makeup on, with their sandals, and their bridesmaid dresses. Which I picked out and they look amazing! It comes down to there knees.

"Let's get ready" Ava said snapping her fingers and two people came out with makeup and one with hair brushes great.. This is going to be painful... Dear God I beg to you. Make this as painful as possible please. Forgive all my sins. Amen.

I got my dress on first then my heels. Then the makeup artist did a nice soft eye makeup and pink nude lipstick and then the hairstylist out my hair into an elegant messy braid down my back with tiny flowers and put a pink flower crown on my head. I got my boutique of pink flowers and looked in the mirror... Wow... I look amazing.. We have to drive to the beach because that's were we are having the ceremony. I decide to throw my heels after while we walk off the isle. I know...

I'm a boss. Oh and me and Carter are going to a dance that I choreographed and I'm pretty proud of.

Carter's Pov
I stayed and let the boys help me with my hangover, then I put on my tuxedo, styled my hair, and and put my shoes on. It's not as hard as the bride has to go through. The groom doesn't go through as much painful stuff. They probably went to the spa and stuff

Bella's Pov
Actually before I got anything on we all went to the spa. The girls did too.

Carter's Pov
"You are growing up so fast" Ash said pretending to cry on Wes shoulder and Wes did the same thing pretending to hold Ash as if he was a crying wife and he was a crying husband. I gave them the bird in return and they stopped and glared at me. All the boys were in their tuxedo's. I went to help the triplets get ready. When I went in the boys were already in their tuxedos but Mia was have trouble zipping her dress up. I walked over to her and zipped it for her she turned around and gave me a hug.

"Good luck daddy" she whispered. Time flew by and I was standing at the altar. Chelsea and Wes came, Ash and Ava, Cole and Connor, then Pierce and Alec. Then Aiden and Landon walked in with the rings, Mia came throwing flower petals.. Then I saw my beautiful Bella... Mi flora

Bella's Pov
My dad walked me in while I looked around and saw all kinds of people here for me and Carter. I looked and saw a familiar women but before I could get a good glimpse she turned away. Hm. Oh well. When we got up the isle dad handed me over to Carter and told him to take care of me and Carter nodded. The priest soon made it to our vowels and we both had are own written. Carter said I could go first so I did.

"Carter.. When I first met you in that alley way to be honest... I was terrified and thought you were going to ripe me apart!" I said as everyone laughed including Carter. "Then you bought me from my dad! And after the time we spent together I started to feel for you. I didn't know what it was until we got into that huge argument and I said I loved you. And then we figured out something huge! About the triplets. But we thought we were going to have to deal with only one little gummy bear" I said and he laughed/cried. "Now we are here getting married and you know what I'm ready to have a life with you to spend every second with the moms dangerous yet soft guy that I love" by the time I was done Carter was crying and so was everyone else. Carter then said his vowels and we were at our I do's.

"I do"

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride"

At that Carter grabbed me and dipped me and kissed me passionately. I smiled and he smiled and when we went down the isle I threw my heels off. Then it was time for our dance and I was excited. I changed into the clothes we were supposed to change for the dance and so did he and we started. (Dance to side)
After we were done we got back into our formal clothes and had a wonderful time. When we sliced the cake I put it all over Carters mouth and Carter put some on my nose while the triplets had it over there mouth areas. I laughed and we all had a great time dancing. This is perfect..
Awww❤️❤️ who else agrees they are the best couple every and that they are family goals? Cause I agree 100%!

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