Chapter 16- My Rules

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Bella's Pov
It was morning and I'm brushing my teeth. I felt arms wrap around me and I instantly knew who it was. Carter. I sighed and turned around in his arms when I was satisfied with my minty breath.

"So what did you need to tell me?" He asked and I smiled, this isn't really a secret it's more of something special to me that I only tell people who are special to me. Carter is definitely special to me, but I just don't love him. I really like him.. A lot but I don't love him, not yet at least. It's a possibility.

"Well. I have rules, it's not like strict rules. It's rules for a happy life. I love them dearly" I said and he smiled and nodded motioning me to continue. I took a deep breath and started.

"Rule 1 don't lie, rule 2 don't cheat, rule 3 don't make promises you can't keep, rule 4 don't say things you don't mean, rule 5 don't keep secrets" I said and he smiled and kissed me and I returned it. We pulled away and rested my head on his. I opened my eyes to his eyes still closed.

"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard" he said and I smiled but then frowned when I sniffed. My nose crinkled and I pushed Carter away and looked confused and he had his hands out to his sides and had an expression of what-the-heck-was-that-for?. I shook my head and pointed to the sink where our toothbrushes were and some toothpaste. Then I pinched my nose.

"Brush those teeth! Your breath could kill a thousand men! You almost killed me!" I said and he rolled his eyes and went to the sink while I walked out to the closet. I looked around until I decided on washed out high waisted jeans, a Star Wars t-shirt, and black vans. I left my hair in its naturally curly mess and put mascara, lip gloss, and winged eye liner. After I was done and satisfied I went down stairs. Into the kitchen where the boys were.

"Hello my royal subjects!" I shouted and the boys looked towards me and laughed while some were drinking coffee and others beer. Mainly Ash, Wes, and surprisingly Pierce were drinking the beer.

"It's morning you guys. Why are you drinking beer? You should be drinking coffee to get energized" I said while walking over to the code and poured me some while putting 3 teaspoons of sugar and 3 packets of cream in while mixing it up. I went over to the fridge and added some milk.

"Well consider this our energizer" Pierce said and I laughed and sat between Cole and Connor. I purposely bumped Connor making him spill a little coffee on him. Cole smirked and chuckled while the rest laughed while Connor was fanning himself trying to make it cool down.

"Wow. Bella. I thought we were cool" he said while getting up and going to the island and getting napkins I shrugged and went by the door crouching over. The boys looked at me oddly and I motioned gem to hide and they did. Cole was the closets to me so I told him to tell the boys to jump out and yell when Carter came in. He nodded and told them. After a few minutes Carter walked in and we all jumped out and yelled and where Ash was the closets Carter had a reflex and punched him. Making him fall backwards landing with an oof. We all stopped and looked at Ash and then Carter who looked innocent.

"Now see. One of my rules is don't be stupid" Carter said and walked over and made his coffee while we looked at him and then Ash who was laying on the floor holding his nose. We all stared and then started laughing.

"Guys! I think he broke my nose!" Ash whined and got up and Carter sighed annoyed and walked over to Ash and made him uncover his nose which showed Ash's how deformed face and took his hands and moved it which made a cracking noise that made us cringe. Ash yelled and pushed Carter away. We all looked at Carted while he got his coffee and headed to the door and looked at us. "There. It isn't broken anymore" he said and we all laughed.

Soon it was night after a day with the guys playing the Xbox. I was in bed with only a t-shirts on. Carter finally came and joined me and I sighed and smiled snuggled into him until I finally fell asleep.

Carter's Pov
"Bella?" I said confused looking around in our room and saw Bella. She looked weird her face looked odd..

"Carter.." She... Moaned? I realized I was on top of her.. Oh lord. This is bad.

"Bella! We can't do this, I mean I have to have your permission" I said looking at her concerned I might be hurting her. I really can't tell if this is real or not. This isn't normal. I can already tell. Something is seriously wrong and I want to know what is going on and why I feel bad.

"I already gave you permission Carter" she said in a seducing voice... This isn't Bella she would never act like this.. Bella hasn't even said she has loved me or wanted to know anything about us.

"C-Carter?" I turned around to see... Bella?! Then I looked at the other Bella but she changed into a different person. What? I knew this is wrong. This has to be a dream... It just has to be!

"Hey sweetheart "she said looking at me innocently I got off of the woman and soon I had clothes and she did too but she just laid on the bed I looked at Bella and opened my mouth like I was going to say something but words wouldn't come out.

"Carter w-why?" Bella asked while running out of the room. I sighed annoyed and ran a hand through my messy hair.

"Bella! Wait!" I was about to run after her but got stopped by the slut. I looked at her hand and then at her. "Don't worry Carter... We'll meet soon.."

End of Dream

"What?" I sat up in bed looking around I only saw Bella.... The real Bella, my Bella. I laid back down and pulled her very close to me and she snuggled up to me and smiled. Yep this is the real Bella I laughed silently to myself. I still wonder what that slut meant by,".. We'll meet soon..."

What could that mean?...
Well then...

Who was the girl in his dream?

Who thinks Carted won't follow Bella's rules? And why?

Who thinks Carter will follow Bella's rules? And why?

And why do I feel like I'm a test giving you questions when I say "and why?"?

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