Chapter 12- Chances

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Bella's Pov
I was just rolling around the mansion.. literally.. I have to stay in a wheel chair so I don't put pressure on my wound. I was rolling around until I got stopped by someone. I looked behind me to see Cole, Connor, Pierce the 3 boys I interact with the least. I usually talk to Ash or Wes when I'm around them which is rare because Carter keeps me in his room making me stay so I don't have to get up. I'm totally fine with it but I wanted to get out of the room today. They rolled me into a near by room and I was panicking.

"Guys? Why are you doing this? Did I do something wrong?" I asked fear clear in my voice and Pierce turned around to me and smiled sweetly at me.

"Oh no honey. We just want to speak to you. Without Ash or Wes around. Those idiots wouldn't get this" he said and his voice made me calm down. I've always trusted nice people like Pierce plus if they did something bad to me Carter would probably kill them.

"So. God. I'm not used to talking this much. Well we wanted to ask you if you would give Carter a chance" Connor said which made me smile.

"Yea. He is asking you to go on a date today. Don't tell him we told you. But we wanted to make sure you said yes"

"Honey if you get the time to know him he is really nice"

I looked a all of them and smiled at what good friends they are towards Carter. I smiled and nodded they all smiled and seeing Cole and Connor smile was weird but Pierce it looked natural like he did it all the time. Connor was fine but Cole had a hard time making me laugh a little. They soon joined me.

"Sorry I'm not used to smiling this much" he said and I smiled and said it was ok before asking one of them if they wouldn't mind taking me back to Carters room. Pierce smiled and volunteered. While he was rolling me back we had started our own little conversation. He was very sweet and he is good looking and I was surprised he was gay. But what can I say the hot ones are either gay or taken. I mean Carter is good looking... I mean.. Ugh..

"So you like it here?" He asked while I laid probed up on the bed and he sat on the end looking me while I was flicking through channels. I finally stopped on The World of Dance where I got inspired and looked at him.

"I mean other than getting sold to be her and getting shot in the stomach I love it here" I said and he and I laughed while we watched The World of Dance. In the middle of the show Carter came in and his eyes widened with surprise when he saw Pierce with me.

"Hey Pierce. You guys having fun?" He asked and he was totally cool probably cause he knew Pierce wouldn't try to hit on me. I smiled and waved Pierce off when he decided to leave. He stopped by Carter and wished him good luck.

"Yea. And why are you here? Don't you have work to do or something?" I asked and the tips of his ears got to a shade of pink which made me giddy that I could make him blush... Why is this making me so happy? Am I developing feelings for him? No. I couldn't be.. I've only been here for a few days.

"Oh. Yes. Erm. I was wondering... If you would like to.. Go out.. On a date" he said saying the last 3 words fast. I smiled and for up and slide in my wheel chair going towards him while he looked down at me.

"Of course. I think it would be fun, and I need to get out of this room" I said and he smiled and kissed my head and told me to dress casually. I was too happy inside for some unknown reason and didn't think about how I was going to get on clothes myself.. He told me to be ready by 7 and right now it's 5 so I switched The World of Dance to Shadowhunters. After a hour it was over.

"I knew it! I knew it! Know Jace can be with Clary! Yes!! Wait... What about Simon? I ship Clace not Climon... That's weird..." One of my guy best friends that watch the show ships Climon after that I told his there was something wrong with him. (If you all have watched Shadowhunters you will understand. I love that show!)

I looked at the time and it was 6 and that's when it hit me how am I going to put on my clothes.... Hmm.. I got out of bed and onto my wheelchair and rolled myself towards the closet and looked around. Gosh... This is going to be hard... I was still looking when Mrs. Will came in and she looked at me curiously asking me what I am doing with her eyes.

"Well.. Carter ask me on a date and-" I got cute off by her squealing and coming over to me and hugging me and telling me how happy she was that he asked me and how this is a good thing because he needs someone to love and cherish. I laughed after she was fan girling over how me and Carter are cute together. Even though we're not.

"Anyway. I was looking for an outfit and I think I know what I want to wear I just need help getting into it" I said sheepishly looking at the outfits choices I wanted. She smiled and said she could help me. So I pointed out everything I wanted to wear and she helped me until I just needed my makeup. She said we should put a butt load of make up in my face like a cake. That's not what she really said but I told her I'm just putting on lip gloss. She smiled and nodded. Then it was 7. Date time.
Yay there going on a date! I'm doing tow updates today! Yay!

Who thinks the date will go smoothly?

What is Carter planing for the date?

Who is your alls favorite character so far?

And most importantly! If you watch Shadowhunters. Are you team Clace (Jace+Clary) or Climon (Simon+Clary)?

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