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    Anakin crept up to the familiar quarter’s entrance, and slipped soundlessly inside, the doors closing behind him. He stood in the softly mottled shadows, and gazed over at Padmé tenderly.

    Her face was turned partially to the paneled window, which spread magnificently across the quarters, opening the watcher’s eye to a pristine, yet discordant view of a skyline crowded with different types of architecture from planets all across the galaxy. The dim light from a slowly fading celestial body on the horizon lit Padmé’s features with an ethereal glow, coruscating as nearby ships and speeders passed the window. Her eyes glittered faintly with the stars of the millions of lights that enveloped the planet Coruscant. Her lips upturned in the slightest smile, as though she were fondly remembering a sweet memory from long ago.

    Padmé turned to face the lowlight where Anakin was standing, and made eye contact with him, for a small, brief moment, and although it was small, it meant a lifetime of words. Then Padmé’s smile spread across her face, and she ran towards him, wrapping her arms around him, and nuzzled her head against his chest.

    For a while Padmé let him cradle her in his arms. She felt so safe, so protected from harm, so secure, that she was almost immersed in the thought that nothing in the galaxy could hurt her now, not when she was in Anakin’s arms. He would do anything to save her if -or when- danger came. He would go to whatever lengths necessary to make sure that she, his wife, was safe.

    Padmé looked up at him, her face close to his, the tips of their noses just a fraction of an inch apart.

    Anakin could feel her soft, warm breath tickle his lips. He felt the gentle press of Padmé’s body against his. Their eyes locked, and Anakin felt his breath catch in his throat in the familiar feeling of awe. He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers.

Right now, Padmé was all that mattered. He forgot his responsibilities, his accountability to the Jedi Council, to the galaxy. He didn’t have to be a Jedi -The Hero With No Fear- all he was right now was Anakin, Padmé’s love.

“Anakin!”, Obi-Wan’s voice leapt urgently from Anakin’s comlink, “Anakin! Are you there?”

Anakin pulled away from Padmé, reluctantly, “Yes, what is it?”

“I need you in the docking bay immediately, we are taking an emergency mission to Kamino. Ventress is in the act of trying to take the clone DNA sample!”

“Copy that! I’ll be there as soon as possible!”

“Alright, see you soon!”

He turned back towards Padmé, and stroked her cheek gently, “I’m sorry, I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay?”

Padmé smiled that ghost of a smile from earlier, “Of course Ani, I’ll be waiting when you get back.” She kissed him lightly on the nose, “now hurry, before you jeopardize your mission.”

Anakin hugged her one more time, then turned around and hurried out of the room, Padmé listening as his footsteps slowly faded down the hallway.

*     *     *     *

          Anakin ran to the docking bay, skidding to a stop at Obi Wan’s left, “ready to go?”

          Obi Wan abruptly turned his head, not expecting Anakin to be there, “yep, I’m ready.”

          They hopped into their fighters and headed for Kamino.

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