Scars & Capture

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          Anakin and Obi Wan ran through the boisterous, gloomy storm, reflective of their mood. If Ventress got a hold of the clone DNA sample, the Separatists could create a clone army along with all of their droids!

    Obi Wan glanced over at Anakin, wet hair plastered to his face, breathing hard “I fight Ventress, you guard the DNA sample, okay?”

    “No offense Master, but I think that I should do the fighting, and you the guarding.”

    They ran into the safety of the building, footsteps slapping the ground and echoing through the bright white halls. Obi Wan went over to a computer console, and started pressing buttons expertly fast. His voice thick with mockery he replied, “Remember the time on Geonosis when you tried to fight Dooku, and got your arm cut off?”

    “Yes, yes I remember that,” Anakin replied irritably, “but that was just once, I didn’t make that mistake again.”

    Caustically, Obi Wan shot back, “Oh, really? What about that time-”


“Fine,” Anakin sighed blatantly, “if you insist, Master, I’ll guard the DNA sample.” you could hear the eye roll in his tone of voice. Secretly, Anakin planned to join in with fighting Ventress. It wouldn’t hurt right? He would retrieve the DNA sample, hook it on his belt, and then go fight.

“Alright, here it is,” Obi Wan pointed to a spot on the bottom middle of the map,”a right, go straight, and then another right.” He stroked his moustache thoughtfully, “I hope we don’t run into any Kaminoans though. They might think that we came to steal as well.”

“We’ll figure it out, let’s just get going before Ventress gets the DNA sample.” Anakin retorted impatiently.

“I suppose you’re right.” Obi Wan contemplated for a moment more, then turned to face Anakin, “You ready?”

“You bet. Now let’s get going!”

They jogged the way to the DNA sample room, and Obi Wan confronted Ventress, while Anakin sprinted over to the main console.

“You’re a pleasant sight to see.” Ventress shed her lengthy skirt to reveal a pair of shorts much more fit for combat.

“You as well. Pity we can’t spend time talking instead of fighting.” Obi Wan dropped his robe, and ignited his lightsaber, emitting a blue glow around him, almost like an aura of goodness.

“To be honest, I prefer a good battle.” Ventress ignited her lightsabers with a snap-hiss, and the fight began.

Ventress aimed her blood-red lightsabers to cut off Obi Wan’s head in a quick slash. He blocked it in one fluid movement, their lightsabers sizzling loudly on impact, with clashing shades of cyan and crimson.

She clenched her teeth and willed her lightsabers forward with The Force, pushing Obi Wan back. Finally, after valiantly struggling, he was forced to the ground.

“Not so great now, are you, Kenobi?” Ventress sneered, spitting out his name in distaste. She lifted her lightsaber above her head to give him a final stab in the chest.

The ruddy glow clouded Obi Wan’s vision, and for a moment he was unsure what action to take, but then he knew. He somersaulted forward, straight between Ventress’s legs, promptly standing up behind her as soon as the somersault finished. He turned in a roundhouse kick, knocking Ventress to the ground before she could react.

Ventress rolled over onto her back slowly, a pleading expression on her face, as she faked hopelessness. Then she force pushed him against the wall. Obi Wan gasped as the air whooshed out of him, and slumped to the ground.

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