Iego Bound

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Obi Wan guided the Viceroy onto the ship and ordered several clone troopers to watch his every move. He then turned, ordered the pilot to enter the hyperspace coordinates for Iego, and sat back for the ride, glad he didn't have to fly the ship himself. He hated piloting.

As he waited for his arrival to Iego, he thought about his mission. He had no doubt he could retrieve the antidote, but he questioned whether he would be back in time to save Padmé. The Viceroy had been infecting her with the virus periodically while he and Anakin were gone. She was likely extremely depleted by the illness. At best she would be tired, starved, and feverish when he got back, at worst ... dead.

Among other, more minor, items on his list of problems he was reasonably concerned about what Anakin would be up to when he wasn't around. Last time he had let Anakin alone with Padmé, things hadn't gone so well. To put it bluntly it had been some sort of tryst or pre-wedding honeymoon for them. Also, his rashness and decision making had gotten worse, as Padmé had let him jeopardize his mission, and had encouraged him in making even more mediocre decisions. Specifically trying to save him off Geonosis. Besides that, although he was sure Anakin had no idea he knew, Obi Wan saw a connection between him and Padmé, something that was clearly more than cordial friendship. They had the relationship of a married couple, two people who were deeply in love. The kind of love that not even the Jedi Code could prevent, the kind of love that could ignite the stars.

* * * *

"Anakin," Padmé protested, "what if you die too because you've decided to stay?" she exhaled, crestfallen, "Do you realize what you've gotten yourself into?"

"Padmé, I understand what I've done perfectly well. The reason I did it was because: if you're going to die, I want to be there when it happens, I don't want you to die in isolation, in a freezing cold metal cell. I want to be there for you, die with you when it happens, if it happens."

Padmé suddenly felt very cold, and started to visibly shiver. Anakin took off his Jedi robe and wrapped it around her shoulders, hugging her close.

"Okay." She put her hands on his chest and leaned against him, trying to soothe her shaking body.

"Come on, let's sit down." Anakin brushed aside some glass, and helped Padmé sit down next to him, "I think I have a couple food rations in my pack."

Padmé laid her head on Anakin's lap, her body splayed across the floor. She had a small bite to eat and a sip or two of water, and then stopped eating. Anakin pressed, urged her to take more food and water, but she refused, insisting that he take the rest, but he wouldn't. After a while, Anakin laid down next to her, pulling her close.

He could feel the shivers racking her body, like wind beating at a weak tree, and her breathing trembled sporadically. Anakin brushed his lips against the crown of Padmé's head, and felt a rush of torridity. He knew Padmé wasn't going to hold out much longer. She had a severe case of the chills, which caused her to feel cold, and yet in reality, be burning up. He pulled her closer, and shut his eyes, hoping to get at least a little rest.

* * * *

Obi Wan stepped off the ramp of his ship and onto the surface of Iego, and walked up to the approaching boy, "Hello Jaybo, long time no see."

"Yes, you too. Why are you here? Did you come to kill another 17 of my repurposed droids?" Jaybo smirked, remembering the last time this Jedi came to Iego with his partner.

"It was actually 18 last time," Obi Wan smiled in remembrance as well, "and no, I did not come to kill your droids, that would be Jedi Anakin Skywalker who did that previously. Unfortunately, he is currently occupied taking care of a Senator, who has fallen ill with the Blue Shadow Virus."

Jaybo nodded thoughtfully, "Oh, I see, you've come for the antidote then, haven't you?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I have."

"Well, you better get going, mm?" The boy gestured toward the steep cliff Obi Wan would have to climb down to reach the antidote.

Obi Wan sighed indignantly, and strode towards the cliff's edge, "yes, I better."

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