Three Days

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Anakin sat worriedly at Padmé's side, watching her carefully, waiting for her to wake up. He had recently gotten the antidote as well, even though his condition wasn't nearly as severe. Jocosta Nu had told him to get some bed rest, and to stay at the Jedi Temple, but that wasn't going to happen when Padmé was at stake. He just couldn't help but be concerned for her welfare. She was his wife, his captivating wife, after all, and he loved her enough to go across the stars for her. She, Padmé, his Angel, was what he fought for. There was no question of why he wanted peace. It was so that his wife would be safe, even if it was the last thing he would do. Nobody else could know that though, so he sat in silence, waiting for her to awaken, as though waiting for the sun to rise, and grace the cold, empty sky with its warm, golden rays, his stomach churning quietly in vexation.

Padmé stirred, and yawned softly in that familiarly sweet, tired way that he loved. Her eyelashes fluttered gracefully, and she turned on her side towards him. Force, she's beautiful, even when she's practically come back from the dead, Anakin thought, floored. "Anakin?" Padmé yawned once more, covering her mouth with her hand daintily, "where are we? Is this the medical bay on Coruscant?"

"Yes," Anakin put his large, battle worn hand over her tiny, silky smooth one, "I gave you the antidote, and then Obi Wan and I took you here. The nurse said you should be fine, and that she'd release you at zero eight hundred," he stroked her hand with his thumb.

Padmé sighed contentedly, and then caught herself. They were in the medical bay on Coruscant, anybody in the area could see what was happening inside through the glass paneled window. She lowered her voice considerably, "Please, not here General," Padmé smiled apologetically, and gently pulled her hand away.

Anakin sighed achingly, wishing they didn't have to live in secret. He leaned toward her, and whispered softly, "don't worry, I have a couple days off to fully heal from the virus," talking even quieter, he said, "we can travel off to Naboo and stay there for a while," he smiled mischievously.

Padmé took a surprised breath inward, "Really?" She breathed in awe, "of course we can go!"

"Then..." Anakin replied, nodding towards the nurse walking up to the door, "I think we can leave soon," his eyebrows danced up and down playfully.

Padmé fell into his trance, and forgot about the people around them. She giggled and swatted at him playfully, "Ani! Don't look at me like that!"

"Why?" he stared at her intensely, his storm blue eyes starting to permeate her mahogany ones.

"It makes me feel uncomfortable," Padmé laughed at the past moment from the building of their relationship, when Anakin was a whiny teen. In fact, Padmé thought, he is still whiny, he's just not a teen.

The handle clicked and the door creaked open. Anakin immediately leaned back in his chair, putting a facetiously polite expression on his face. The nurse served him the cold shoulder on a silver platter. Turning to Padmé she looked over her clipboard, pen in hand, then turned her eyes toward her, "Senator, you may leave the medical bay as soon as you just sign right here for the bill," she passed the clipboard and pen to Padmé, and she signed it without hesitation.

"Thank you!" Padmé replied cheerily, "If you will excuse me, General Skywalker and I have some political business to discuss, isn't that right General?" Padmé turned towards Anakin, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, yes it is," he replied, trying to sound as uptight as possible.

Without a word more, he and Padmé stood up and left the room, deceivingly talking about 'political business' and made off for Naboo on Padmé's private mirror ship, as Anakin endearingly called it, amusingly mocking it's silvery like metal shell. They had an entire three days to spend together, on the paradisiacal, exotic, moisture rich, love inducing, planet Naboo.

Just so you all know, this is not the last chapter of my story, but it is the third to last :'( sorry people. I may be making an Anidala one-shot collection, but I need some inspiration. So, if you have any ideas, feel free to suggest them (as long as they aren't lemon or smut, or include any type of sexual content)

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