Chapter Eight - Lies

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The day flew by, and for some strange reason I actually didn’t feel one bit lonely without Ryan. After we said goodbye to Dan, Kevin and the other boys, we made our way up to the mall. The weather was starting to get bitter, which wasn’t too surprising for Roseville in November. The weather forecasters were raving about the large amount of snow that was due, reckoning it was going to be the worst in a couple of decades. But no one listened to them – they were known for their drama. One year they were saying there were going to be blizzards, when there was only one day with one tiny little shower of snow. But maybe if there was lots of snow we’d get more days off school …

‘Maybe we can go by Mr Anderson’s brother’s house after we’re finished shopping and see if there’s any way we can talk to him?’ Nicole suggested, hugging herself from shivering. ‘He might be able to tell us where Mr Anderson is … and then we can ask him why he’s not working in our school anymore.’

Gabby rolled her eyes. ‘Seriously, Nicole, drop it. Just leave him to it and try minding your own business. He’s probably got enough worries at the moment, and I’m sure he doesn’t want a couple of kids he used to teach bothering him all the time just because he got fired. You’d swear you were obsessed with him, or something.’

‘Who wouldn’t be obsessed with him? He’s so hot,’ Chelsea giggled.

Nicole glanced at her, a weird expression on her face. ‘Fine then. Maybe we shouldn’t all show up on his brother’s door. I guess it’s a bit too pushy … We’d look like freaks, and I don’t want him to think that we’re stalking him … or that we’re prying too much … But I just really want to know what’s going on … It’s not fair …’

‘Make up your mind, would you?’ Katie laughed.

I swung my arm around Nicole’s shoulders. ‘I have a funny feeling that someone has a little crush on Mr Anderson.’

Gabby rolled her eyes for the second time. ‘He’s a teacher –’

‘He was a teacher,’ Chelsea corrected.

‘Either way, he’s probably twice your age,’ Gabby said.

Katie winked at her. ‘You know that’s not true. He’s only like … late twenties? That’s not too bad … Anyway, age is only a number.’

The girls kept bickering about whether or not it was right to have an interest in Mr Anderson. Nicole didn’t really talk much, constantly checking her cell phone. At first I thought she was just wondering what time it was, but after the fourth time she took out her cell in less than two minutes, I knew something was up.

‘Anything going on?’ I asked her.

She looked up, her mouth popping open for a moment, before she blushed and looked the other way. ‘Nothing’s going on. I just was telling my mom that … I’m going to the mall …’

Katie’s perfectly plucked eyebrows creased. ‘You told your mom last night that you were going to the mall.’

Nicole shrugged. ‘She must’ve forgot, then.’ Then she took out her phone again.

‘Why is your mom texting you so much now?’ Chelsea asked sceptically. ‘You were fighting like crazy for the past few weeks.’

‘Every mother and daughter have their ups and downs. It’s normal,’ Nicole said simply.

Gabby stood on her tiptoes to look over Nicole’s shoulders and see who she was texting. ‘Well we’re going to have a “down” if you don’t start telling us the truth. I don’t think your mom’s name is Pete, is it?’

My mouth dropped open. ‘Pete? Are you serious? Oh my God, Nicole, I don’t believe it! You’re texting Mr And-’

Nicole’s face went red and she stuffed her cell viciously back into her pocket. ‘I am not! Mind your own business!’

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