Book Two: Family tree (The truth will set you free)

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 The next day the house was quite Alexandra came home around 5 in the after noon she took the long way home cause she wanted time to think about how she was going to explain to her parents she miss 3 school days and she hasn’t been home since the fight but she had to go home for C.J she missed him and she couldn’t just leave C.J like that even if he wasn’t her real brother he was the only thing she had close to a real family other then her lying father. When she came home no one was home she thought they might be still at work and that C.J stayed after school to teach teachers how to use there new smart board its like a smart phone but on the wall.

 Alexandra went up stairs and took a long bath she needed time to think when she got of the bath she slowly dried off and put on here bed time clothes and tied her hair in a messy pony tail when she went down stairs she pass C.J room she sighed she turn back and went in his room still the same C.J wasn’t like most 10 year old's he love to keep things in order but the weirdest thing about him is that he instant of playing computer games he made his own games he like to make something out of nothing he would wake up out of now where and all ready start making a new game or trying to make something ten times faster, better stronger at school he’s best known at a computer geek some time tech nerd but he doesn’t pay no mind he loves what he do.

 Alexandra walked towards his bed it even smells like him she took his covers and started to lay on his bed when she turn she saw the family photo then she started to cry moments later Jake passed C.J from on his way to Alexandra room when he turn back and knocked on his door he saw Alexandra crying her eyes out screaming and yelled she was breaking down. Jake didn’t know what to do he never saw her like this it broke his heart to see her like this. Jake had a flash back.

 “Dam. Jake you have to get the hell out of here!”

 “What no. I know your mad but we---” Alexandra started to tear “What Alex what’s wrong? If your still mad I’m sorry ok I was wrong you had my back since day one and yes I it was all my fault that this happen I’m sorry once we leave I’ll get out of your life forever!”


 Jake closed his eyes it was as if it happens a few hours ago he lean on the side of C.J’s door what do? Jake started to miss Mr. Scoot he would know what to do out everything that has happen he was the only good then that happen to him.

 The next day Jake woke up to the sound of someone moving he open his eyes he fell asleep in front of C.J door he rubbed his eyes and saw Alexandra standing in front of him “Jake?” Alexandra whispered Jake quickly got up and starch “Did you feel here last night?” Jake nobbed Alexandra let out a sighed she was headed towards her room “Alex” she stop “Your not alone” Jake said. Alexandra didn’t respond but kept walking up stairs.

 While Alexandra was in the shower Jake wanted to make some breakfast for her.

 “Jake walk walked towards the door “Jake wait if you still want to know about everything your past everything meet me at the Spain museum this Friday at 3:30 and bring Alexandra”

 Jake had two day’s to think about and the mood Alexandra in he just hopes it would blow over “It’s ok well find her” Jake heard someone at the door he quickly drop the eggs and ran to the side of the door with a bat in his hand he found in the closet not again “It’s been two day’s” he heard the door slowly open 1,2,3 Jake jumped in front of the door “Ahh!” they both screamed then thing you know Jack was on the floor with a bat pointed at him he yelled “Alex help!” he looked up to see Aliyah and C.J hiding behind Nick “Jake?” Nick yelled.

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