danny rants

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OCD is not always
liking things being even
obsessively cleaning
repeating words
having perfect schedules
needing things to be the same

but just because it isn't always those
doesn't mean that you are invalid
if you feel that

OCD can be
liking things being even
obsessively cleaning
repeating words
having perfect schedules
needing things to be the same

but OCD is also
screaming because you're fighting yourself
scratching your skin until you bleed
picking at imperfections
pulling out your hair
hitting your head on the wall for hours
complicated rituals
crying at 3am because you stepped on the wrong floor square

support people with all kinds of OCD
those who are invalidated because "its not that bad, you just like things even/clean"
those who are stared at and shamed for their rituals
those who worry about their family dying
those who are told to "just let it go"
those who don't know what's wrong
those who feel like they don't count because they aren't recognized

please, just support us.
we are trying.

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