Chapter 1: The Large Dragon

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"Hiccup help!" I heard Astrid cry as I ran through the trees, dodging them as I did.
When I finally reached the clearing, I was shocked at what I saw.
A ginormous dragon stood leaning over my friends. It was almost as tall as the trees, it was a dark blue with purple eyes. It bared its teeth at my friends and let out a deafening roar.
"Hey!" I yelled getting the dragons attention.
It quickly turned to me, growled, then turned back to my friends.
"Hey!! I'm taking to you!! Leave my friends alone!!" I yelled.
The dragon turned back to me once more.
It roared and quickly turned back to my friends stepping closer to them. It opened its mouth and roared again. It cornered my friends and barred its teeth again, ready to attack.
That's when I had enough.
"I SAID! LEAVE! MY! FRIENDS! ALONE!!!" I roared and felt my bones cracking as I did. I could feel my wings sprout out of my back, my nails grow into claws, my teeth grow pointed, and a tail come out of my back.
I spread my wings and roared again, this time louder then before. I could tell my eyes turned to slits.
I quickly ran to the dragon and pounced.
The dragon screeched and tried to shack me off. I held on tight and started to climb him.
The dragon backed away from my friends and roared trying harder then ever to get me off. I let out a roar of my own directly in his ear.
"Leave!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in dragonese.
The dragon stopped trying to shake me off and spread its wings. I quickly hopped off and the dragon flew into the air.
My eyes returned to a round circle and I spread my wings, about to fly off, when someone's voice stopped me.
"Hiccup?" Fishlegs asked.
I turned around and was met with the shocked faces of my friends.
"Hey guys." I said and brought my wings back down to my sides.
As I spoke they gasped at my now pointed teeth.
"Hiccup, what are you?" Snoutlout asked.
Before I could answer I heard a screech coming from in the woods.
"Hiccup! Where are you?!" I heard a familiar voice yell from close by.
"Toothless, we're over here!" I yelled back in dragonese.
Toothless emerged from the woods and ran over to me. He leaped on me and started to lick me when he saw I had changed.
"Your in your part dragon form...wait, why are you in your part dragon form?" Toothless asked.
He looked around and saw my friends standing a couple feet away watching us.
"Hiccup! They saw you change! What happened?!" Toothless asked and quickly stood up. He looked at me with panicked and wide eyes.
"No, Toothless it's okay, clam down bud. They were being attacked by a dragon. I had no other choice but to change." I told Toothless.
"We have to get out of here! Hiccup, what if they don't except you!? We have to go, now!" Toothless yelled and nudged me.
I looked over at me friends and instantly took notice to there shocked, and frightened expressions. I sighed and nodded before spreading my wings again and taking off, Toothless flying beside me.
Bellow us, I could hear people calling our names but we just continued to fly. We weren't going to leave Dragons Edge but we had to lay low, at least, for now.

So....what did you think? Did you like it? It was short I know, and I'm sorry. I hope you liked it and I will try to update soon. - Izzy

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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