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The sound of my alarm clock woke me up. Oh great, another day of my stupid boring life. I rolled out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom, successfully avoiding three walls on my way there.  I looked in the mirror "Eww..." I said looking at my scrunched up reflection. I giggled and rolled my eyes. Once I finished my bathroom routine I made my way back to my room to find outfit to wear. I'm so glad its Friday! I decided to go with a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a graphic tee that read "Music is my life", and my favorite spiked combat boots. I looked in my full length mirror, my soft brown skin peeking out from underneath the soft cotton jacket that I had just slipped on. Why did things have to be this way? Couldn't they just accept it for what it is and move on? My phone stared buzzing pulling me from trance. I quickly picked it up to see who was texting me this early. Jc. I smiled to myself. Jc was my boy-... long distance famous friend. We weren't a couple due to a few... well more than a few complications. I checked the message.

J- Morning cutie ;)

A- Morning cloud boy!

J- Haha! I'm very excited! Can you guess why?

A- Hmmm... Are you going to another one of your super cool celeb parties tonight?

J- Nope. Something much more exciting than that!

A- Hmmm... I have no idea what it could be more exciting than that

J- I'll give you a hint: It has to do with a girl, involves travelling, my fav girl in the world and one of the prettiest! ;)

A- OoO yOu ArE nOT!!!


A- Brb dying

I couldn't believe my eyes! One reason being that he called me 'princess' and another being the fact that Jc was actually coming to visit me! I haven't seen him in like a month, maybe even longer. He always tries to visit as much as possible, but he has a very busy schedule so I don't expect him to visit too often. My phone buzzed in my hands tearing me away from my thoughts.

J- Lmao! I'm coming later today or early tomorrow

A- I can't wait to see you! I'm just soo excited!

J- Me too! But I have to go pack! See ya soon Avery! J :* <3

A- You too Jc! :* J <3

I slid my phone into my back pocket and grabbed my keys and backpack. I was ready to battle the school, especially now since Jc is coming to town!

    When I arrived to school the bell had already rang for first period classes. Yes! The more I avoided people the easier today would be. I wasn't really in the mood for any racial comments today and I don't have any friends to stand by my side, well not anymore that is. A rumor got out that Jc and I were special friends. The rumor spread like quick fire, which isn't really a shocker since they were talking about a famous person and me. The question that was on everyone's mind was how could a girl like me ever meet a guy like Jc? Well the answer is simple, I got unfortunately lucky. I lost my friends because they didn't believe me when I told them how I met him. And that we were just friends.

    They thought I was a liar. They believed the rumors over me! All of them we practically in love with him so what did I expect? Ever since the day the rumor got out I've gotten notes everywhere saying that I was a 'liar' and 'n***er' and others with explicit details that I'd rather not repeat, notes saying that Jc would never go for a girl like me. All because I was a black girl and he was a white boy, a famous one at that. I couldn't really understand why that even mattered. So what if I was black and he was white? Did that really mean we couldn't be together? That's like saying two bees can't be in the same hive because one is yellow with black stripes and the other is black with yellow stripes. His parents don't even want us together and mine on the other hand, well they don't really know about Jc. I mean they know that I know him and all, but they don't know that he is famous or that we have been talking / dating for the past three months. When Jc's parents first told us that they didn't want us together because I was black we laughed in their faces thinking they were joking. They weren't, but with Jc being the guy that he is he still hung out with me and didn't treat me any different despite what they had told him. 

     The day went by faster than I expected and before I knew it the last bell of the day was ringing and everyone was running out of the school building. Literally running! I got shoved into a locker by a girl. I winced. "GET OUT OF THE WAY MONKEY!" the girl yelled and ran away with others. Then the person I have been avoiding all day walked up, Piper. Piper was the girl who had started all of this mess, the bullying and the reason for my new nickname 'monkey'. She walked up to me with a huge smile on her face. "Oh look a monkey! I didn't know they let animals in school." She said. I hated her and the way she talked to me. "What do you want?" I said rolling my eyes. Her face scrunched up at my reaction and then her smile reappeared. "Your so called boyfriend is outside right now." Piper said with a challenging smile. "I'v told you already he's not my boyfriend." I said flatly. "Of course he isn't! Why would he date a monkey!" she spat. I rolled my eyes. "It doesn't matter anyways he doesn't know even know who you are. I bet that if you went outside and walked up to him right now he wouldn't even take a second glance." Piper said with her signature smirk. I narrowed my eyes at her. "You know what? Let's go test out your theory right now. Shall we?"

   I turned on my heels and pushed through the crowd making my way to where I see a group crowded around Jc's car. He had gotten taller and his hair was kind of different, but still had all those curls that sat everywhere on his head. He was trying to answer everyone's questions that were being thrown at him and I could tell he was getting frustrated by the way he furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed his hands together. I pushed through the crowd until I finally was standing next to him. He turned to face me and I swear his face light up like a light bulb. Jc pulled me into a big bone crushing hug. The crowd behind us gasped. "I missed you sooo much Avery!" he said giving me a squeeze. "I missed you too!" I giggled back. Then the next thing that happened made me want to kill someone. I heard her before I saw her. "Avery! Avery!" Piper was yelling my pushing through everyone. "Avery my darling Avery would you mind introducing me to your friend here?" she asked with a humongous smile on her face. I scoffed. Was she being serious right now! What was going on here!? "Oh... Uh... Hi! I'm Jc, Avery's boyfriend." He said with a big smile. "I'm Pi- Wait? What!" her entire facial expression changed into something horrid.

I was just as shocked as she was. Did he just say he was my boyfriend? Jc just stood there confused at her reaction. "Y-You're actually her b-b-boyfriend?" she stuttered. "Yes? Why is that a problem? Is me dating a 'monkey' a problem?" he said his words dripping with anger.  How did he know about that? Piper took a step back. "Because if it is then I think you need to walk away right now. No one is going to tell me who I can and can't date." He said as he put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I was still in shock; this was the first time Jc has ever really stood up for himself publicly that is. I started to get a funny feeling and everything started to get trippy. I looked around and things started to loose it's shape for a second, but then it regained it's form just as quickly as it lost it. I shook my head. All of a sudden my three two friends that ditched me came up. "Avery we are sooo sorry! We shouldn't have done that to you. We should've believed you. Please forgive us!" Ashlynn said. "Please please please please Aves!" Ashton said next to her. They both gave me puppy dog eyes. LITERAL PUPPY DOG EYES!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?

Out of nowhere Piper started screaming and her skin started to peel. Then the sky turned multi-colored. Ashlynn and Ashton both exploded and everything started falling apart around me. The entire crowd broke out into mass destruction. I looked around at everything that was happening then Jc did the unthinkable. He turned my face towards his and said in the most alluring voice ever "Looks like the world is ending all around us. If we are gonna go too then we need to go out with a big bang" and then he leaned in close and kissed me. 

I jerked awake breath heavy. What kind of dream was that!? I grasped my chest. My heart was beating like crazy and I had sweat through my tank top. I looked over at the clock oh great 6:28am. Oh great I had managed to wake up two minutes before my alarm clock. I huffed and got out of bed. My tank top wasn't the only that was sweaty. I felt as though my entire body was drenched in sweat. Gross. I walked to my bathroom to see that I was perfectly dry. Nightmares are the worst. I can't wait to tell the others about the dream I had. I looked in the mirror and everything went cold. I closed my eyes and looked in the mirror again. I could have sworn that my eyes flashed green for a second. I looked closer and they were just dark brown as always. I sighed. Today isn't starting off too well.

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