Chapter 18: The News and The Plan

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There’s thump at the front door, I sit up quickly but cry out as my body screams in protest. I slowly lower my feet to the floor and stand up slowly, dropping my hair like a veil around my face to hide the evidence of last night. As I step out into the hallway the front door slams open. 

Shit. I hurt to much to run and by the time I would get turned around it would be to late so I make the best possible decision and stay were I am.

Whoever it was runs up the stairs quickly, obviously looking for something. I see the black shirt and jeans and instantly drop my eyes to the floor.



“Sh-Shawn?” I look up and he rushes at me but stops when I flinch away from him. 

“Sorry.” He gives me a strange look.

“For what?” I open my mouth but stop, I didn’t know. 

“You gave me a key…and you never responded last night so I got worried.

“I ditched first period to come and check on you.” His answer as to why he’s here and how he got in. 

“Well you saw me, I’m still alive and kicking so go back to school.” I turn and try to walk back to my room like my whole body wasn’t throbbing in pain. 

“No. Something’s up and I can tell.” He reaches out and grabs my arms to stop me but drops my arm when I cry out. 

“Hey what’s-” He stops when he sees my face. 

“It was my fault, I deserved it.” His face hardens and his fists clench. 

“How does anyone deserve…this?” He gestures to my entire body; he shakes his head looking away from me, the anger obviously building.

“I’ll kill him.” 

“Shawn, that’s not going to help anyone.” 

“Really? ‘Cause I think it will.”

“All it will do is take you away from me too, I’d rather not have to come and see you behind bullet proof glass every weekend.” His eyes soften but the phone rings interrupting whatever it was that he was going to say. 

“Hello?” The phone drops from my hand as they start to speak.

“What?” Shawn asks walking over to me quickly.

“My sister…she’s…awake.” He looks at me in disbelief and picks up the phone himself. 


“Yeah, wow ok.

“Uh huh, no, no one else please. We’ll be there soon.” He hangs the phone up and turns back to me. 

“Do you want to go?” I nod furiously starting for the door to get ready as soon as I could manage. 

“Ok but we have to talk first.” 

“…Alright.” I stop and turn back around. He guides me to the couch and holds my hand as we sit down.

“Something’s gotta be done about…this, your situation here.” I shake my head no. 

“It was my fault.” 

“No, it wasn’t. Now just be quiet and listen to me. 

“You cannot keep living like this. He could and can kill you.” 

“No…he wouldn’t, he loves me.”

“Does he? ‘Cause I don’t see how this shows any love at all.”

“No he does.” 

“Shh.” I hadn’t realized how loud I was getting, or that I had started crying. He wipes the tears gently from my cheeks before pulling me into his arms. 

“It’s gonna be alright ok? I have an idea that I want you to hear.” I nod and pull back to look at him. 

“I want us get away.” I nod. 

“I could use a little vacation. Going away for awhile would help a lot.” He shakes his head no and squeezes my hand. 

“You’re not understanding me. I mean run away, forever. Get away from here and you dad, just you and me.” The air rushes from my chest, I wasn’t surprised it sounded like a good idea, but my family, my life. 

“I…I don’t know.” He nods. 

“I understand, I’ve thought about it for a long time. But I think it’s a good idea. I mean my mom doesn’t want me there, and neither does Mason. Your mom doesn’t want you, and your dad well…I couldn’t live with myself if I left you here with him.” 

“What about my sister?” He looks at me and gives me a half hearted shrug. 

“I, don’t know. I didn’t think should would be waking up.

“But we both know that when your mom finds out that she’s awake she is going to take her and leave you, and she might be better off there than with us or here.” He’s right and we both know it but I still don’t want to admit it. 

“Just think about it ok?” I nod, he was right. That was the best option for the both of us. I can’t and couldn’t stay here, my life was in danger every second that I stayed, and I had no where else to go. Shawn’s the only person that truly loves me, and I love him; I can’t be without him, not anymore. I knew what my answer was going to be, not even two minutes after he had asked, I have to get away. 

“Alright, well let’s go then. I know you want to go and see her.” He says getting up after a long and awkward fifteen minutes of silence. 

“Wait.” I grab his wrist, he turns and looks down at me. 

“…Ok. Let’s go.” He smiles, a real genuine smile, something I rarely saw around anyone else but me. He pulls me up into his arms and kisses the top of my head. 

“When do we leave?” 

“A few days from now.” I nod, not it’s my turn to start over, to start fresh, to be free. 


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