Chapter 8: Sold

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I’m walking down the street, apple in hand, my converse slapping the pavement when I see it; a large and obnoxiously yellow moving van parked in the drive way of the Alan’s residence, but this time there aren’t people moving things out, they’re moving things in. 

I slow as I walk past and this time no one stops to stare back at me. I see a flash of brown hair and a leather jacket but then nothing. I shrug and continue walking, seeing if I was late for school nothing would happen to me at all. 

I step through the doors jumping into the crowd, but unlike the usual routine I feel a hand on my shoulder, on instinct alone I jerk around, breaking the grasp and covering my face. 

“Hey,” I hear them say and I realize that it was the guy from the other night, what was his name, Mason

“Oh, hey.” I turn and walk, but he tags along behind me. 

“Where are you going?” I start to wonder what this boy wanted from me, I had never seen him before in my life, and I have never had many friends and now all of a sudden there’s 2 possible ones in two days. 

“Uh, bio, with Jonson you?” He grins at me and I want to smack myself in the face, but dad covered that last night. 

“That’s weird, me too.” 

“Cool.” I say through gritted teeth, but then a question dawns on me, he didn’t sound like he was from around here and I have never once seen him before in my life.

“Did you just move here?” He looks at me like I knew something he didn’t, but whatever it was he shrugs it off.

“Yeah just moved here from California actually. How’d you know?” Now it’s my turn to shrug, when people moved to Montana from out of state it was real obvious they weren’t from around here. 

I take my seat in the class, Mason sitting down next to me. The bell goes off and everyone sits down. Ms. Jonson starts her lecture immediately, but half way through she get’s interrupted. 

We all hear the door open and close, and the entire class turns to look around, except for me; Mason turning back around just as quickly. 

“Ugh,” I hear him groan under his breath and he’s shaking his head. 

And then I see who it is as he comes to the front of the room and hands Ms. Jonson a pink slip of paper. He has chocolate brown hair, and eyes that look almost golden brown, like the color of a roasted marshmallow when you get it to cook just the right way. He has on dark jeans, and the same leather jacket I had seen this morning. 

“I’m Shawn,” he says his hands sliding into his front pockets, and then his eyes lock on me. 

His eyes were rimmed in red and pupils the size of saucers, making it more then obvious that he was smoking something before he came to class. My guess would be pot, seeing as that was the stench that was seeping from his clothes and filling the room to the brim; but even behind his high eyes I could see it.

The blank stare, the sorrow, the pain, the game of pretend. The looks only someone who goes through the same could understand, the looks I see in my own eyes every time I look in a mirror and really look. 

I know he sees it to and then the wall snaps up and his eyes are nothing but blank slates, all emotion gone, but I saw all I needed to see. 

“Great.” The disdain clear in Mason’s voice. 

“What?” He just gives me a look that says this-year-is-gonna-suck. 

“That’s my new step brother.” The disdain and anger grows. 

“His mom and my dad just got married, his mom is the reason why we moved out here.” The unhappiness of being related to Shawn and now being in Montana because of him was so obvious you could almost taste it, and it didn’t taste to good either. 

A chair scrapes out behind me, and Shawn takes a seat dropping a no doubt empty bag on the floor.

He slumps down, and sure enough I hear soft snores start to drift from him in no less then five minutes. 

I didn’t know about sucking, but I did know that this would be one… interesting year.

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