Don't Talk to Strangers

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What's the lesson on not talking to strangers? Don't talk to them!!! Anyways here's the new chapter!

Maddie <3


I rode up to the outside café where I was meeting Louis. This was going to be interesting. I kicked my longboard up and tied my sneakers and walked toward the entrance. “Ella. What did I tell you about talking to strangers? Someone’s been a naughty girl.” Scott scolded me, “No daddy! I didn’t mean too…OW! Stop.” “Shut up Ella! You didn’t listen to me before!”

“You ride?” Louis’s voice caught me out of my thoughts, “Huh? Oh. Yeah. Sorry. I was thinking.” He gave me a warm smile. I stood up and walked into his open arms. “Oh you should know that I’m a hugger.” I raised my eyebrow, “I can see that.” We sat down and talked about him. He already knew me, but I wanted to know more about him. He really did seem sweet. He was the funny one of the group. By the way he acts, sometimes I wonder if he really is the oldest. We ordered some food and ate in during an awkward silence. That was soon broken by girls high pitched screaming. “OH MY GOSH. LOUIS TOMLINSON! YOU ARE MY IDOL! AH I LOVE YOU!” I sunk in my chair, “Oh. I love you too!” Louis beamed. He stood up to the girls opened arms and pulled her in for a hug. Soon enough swarm of girls came to see him.

I left the café, I’m sure he didn’t even notice. I was riding down the street to my apartment when my phone buzzed. I gasped catching me off guard and next thing I knew I was on the ground. This better be important. “Hey you left without saying goodbye. Lou xx” Well you were surrounded by a bunch of girls. “You were busy. I didn’t want to interupt you.” I picked myself up off the curb where I was sitting hugging my board. “Well how can I make up to you? :)… Oh wait I already did!” I looked at my phone confused. “You did what Lou?” I started walking home incase I got another text, sure enough I did. “I paid for your lunch… well our lunch! Xx” Oh boy. “I told you it wasn’t a date Tomlinson.” I opened the door to my apartment and plopped down on the couch. “Well… Too late! ;)” I turned my phone off and fell asleep. I was in no mood for his games.

I woke up to a knocking on my door. Ugh. “Who is it?” There was no answer. I opened the door, no one was there. I looked down to find a box there. Hm… I took the box inside and set it on the coffee table and stared at it. I’m not gonna lie I am quite scared to open it. I turned my phone on and pulled up Twitter. @Ella_Benson sketchy box outside my apartment. Cute wrapping. #scared I took the box in my hand. My phone vibrated, “Look outside your window. Lou xx” WTF? Just curiously I walked up to the window. “Now look down. X” I looked down, sure enough there was Louis. “How did you know where I lived?” I saw him smile, “I followed you… Is that creepy?” I gasped. “Oh so now Tomlinson’s a stalker now? Oh I see how it is.” When I looked back at the window he was gone. No one was on the streets. There was another knock at the door. “Coming.” I opened the door. “Hi Louis. Uh-“ “Hi. It was cold.” He layed down on my couch. “Louis. I don’t even know you. What are you doing here? Don’t you have to go back to Harry?” Louis smirked, “Ah. He won’t mind.”


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