So Many Questions??

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Paris was lovely! It was just wonderful, who knew Louis Tomlinson was a romantic. We enjoyed our last night eating at a small restaurant where we saw the Eiffel Tower light up. It was just lovely.

Now here we are sitting on the plane heading to Doncaster, I’ve been dying to meet his family, but I keep wondering if they’ll like me. I haven’t been with a family for a long time, I’m just hoping they’ll like me. “They’ll love you!” God it’s like Louis read my mind, “Stop thinking about it. Ella you’re wonderful, what’s not to love?” I laughed, “Thanks love! Just nervous I guess.” Louis didn’t question any further.


“Welcome to Doncaster Ella!” I smiled stepping out of the airport. “It’s lovely!” She smiled grabbing her stuff. We met a car and were now driving to my mums. “The girls are going to love you by the way!” She smiled, “I’ve never had sisters, so we’ll see about this!” I wrapped my arm around her waist, “You’ll do fine, I know you will!”

We got out of the car when we reached my house where we were both greeted by the twins. “Hi Louis!” They squealed in unison, “Hey girls!” I set them down and they looked up at Ella with wide eyes, “Wow, you’re prettier in person!” She laughed, with a shade of pink on her cheeks, “And you girls are adorable!” She smiled patting them on the head. My mum came out and greeted us, “Run along girls!” “Hi mum!” I pulled her in for a hug, “Hey Boo Bear!” “Muuuummmm! What did I say about calling me that!” I felt like my cheeks were burning, “Mmm Boo Bear! Catchy!” Ella laughed hugging my mum, “I like this girl!” “Hi I’m Ella!”


We got all situated in his house and I walked downstairs to help in the kitchen, “No no Ella, get out of here! You’re the guest.” I laughed, “But I would like to help-“ Jay laughed to, “No, it was a long trip darling go sit by the fire with Louis and the girls, I’ll be fine! Thank you though!” I smiled and proceeded where her finger was pointing me.

I walked into the fire room, where Louis was being tackled by his sisters, “Ah! Look at the proud brother!” I teased, “Yeah, the proud brother who can not breathe right now!” He laughed pulling Daisy off of him. I sat down beside them, where I was squished by two little girls. “Phoebe and Daisy!” They smiled, “Louis are you going to marry her?” Louis went red! Like bright red! “Uh.. I’m hoping!” He looked over at me and winked, good old Louis! “Oh my gosh! You guys would be so cute together!” I laughed at the thought.

I’ve never really thought about seeing myself with Louis actually. I never really saw myself with anyone, none the less a popstar. Do I see my self growing old with Louis. Hell, he’s an amazing guy. We’ve been through so much together, between the baby, the rape… That memory still scares me… But yeah it’s fair to say I can see myself with Louis. “Why are you blushing?” Lottie asked curiously, oh my God, I was blushing by just the thought of marrying Louis. I gulped, “Um.. Nothing.” I lied, terrible liar Ella. Horrible. “I know what you were thinking!” Louis leaned in and whispered, “Hm. Is that so?” I nudged him in the shoulder, “Save that for the bedroom you two!” Lottie exclaimed. I blushed more. “So Ella, when are we going to meet your family? At a wedding hopefully soon!” Phoebe asked glaring at Louis emphasising on ‘soon’ I looked at Louis. What was I supposed to say? They wouldn’t understand if I told them… “I don’t know actually.” I tried to say, then I mumbled something under my breath so no one could hear, except Louis. He just looked at me with sympathetic eyes. “Dinner!” Jay called from the kitchen, thank God! Great timing mum! (Ah I just called her mum. In my mind!) I feel like I am part of the family. 


What is Ella going to do??? Does Jay know??? Just few more chapters than this story is done! :D 

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Maddie xx

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