A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

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OHHH! Hey lovely people! I hope your enjoying the story! Please Vote and Comment :D

Maddie <3 



Eleanor walked over to me, I closed my eyes wincing at the familiar pain and remembering my childhood. “Eleanor! What the bloody hell!?” Louis shouted at her, “You shouldn’t be talking Louis! I walk in and your about to kiss her!” I grabbed my cheek, I started crying, oh the memories. “SAYS YOU! WHO WALKS OUT OF A BAR WITH SOME OTHER GUY!” She scuffed, “Well… You’ve tried to kiss her twice now!” She turned to look at me, “You’re such a slut!” Okay I lost it. “What the hell! No. I’m not the slut here… You just walked out of a bar with a boy WHO WAS NOT Louis. You just decide to barge in to our house, decide to come to Louis’s room. So don’t get all mad at me.” Liam came to the door and saw me crying, “Um. I’m going to take her out of here.” Louis nodded and stood up to close the door.


“Do you even know what you just did? Ella has already gone through enough! She did not deserve that slap or you calling her slut. Eleanor I thought you were different. I guess I was wrong. Now can you just leave?” She walked up to me, “Please-“ I stepped back, “Just go.” I pointed to the door, “You’re going to regret this Tomlinson.” I rolled my eyes.


What the heck? I heard screaming and shouting coming from Louis’s room, I walked in Ella was holding her cheek, oh God. I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen. “Here you go love.” I handed her an ice pack and carried her back to her bedroom. “Thanks Liam. So I’m guessing you’re dying to know what happened?” She asked wiping her tears, “Only if you want to.” I listened to her as she talked about her disturbing past, and how Eleanor slapped her that it all came back. “Does Louis know?” “NO!” She said quickly, “Please don’t tell him!” I nodded, “I won’t Ella. But you know he will need to find out sooner or later.” She nodded and crawled under her covers, indicating that she was sleepy. “Goodnight Ella.” I kissed her cheek and slowly closed the door.


It was probably really late now, I looked over at my clock, great two a.m. I hopped out of bed quietly trying not disturb the others. I walked into the kitchen only to find Louis sitting on the ground eating carrots. Figures. “Can’t sleep?” He jumped when he heard me, I chuckled a little and he nodded. I grabbed us some tea and sat next to him. “Ella I’m sorry!” He pleaded, oh dear. Here come the tears. “Louis I need to tell you something.” “Okay. Go ahead.” I looked around, “Not here. Let’s go downstairs.” We walked downstairs. “Okay so what did you want to tell me.” He asked curiously, “Louis. You know while I was running away two months ago and few days ago. When I called you up?” He nodded taking a sip of tea. “I’ve been running all my life. My mom married Scott after my dad died and Scott was very abusive. He killed my mom when I was about four. Leaving me just with him. I grew up being abused by this complete stranger. I ran. I ran away. I was running away all that time till he finally found me at the signing. He wanted to kill me. He wanted to kill me few days ago to.” Louis wiped away a stray tear, and I cuddled up next to him. “Ella I’m so sorry!” “And when Eleanor slapped me across my face the memories were brought back. Now I’m going to turn around and show you something. I’ve never shown anyone. Okay?” I turned around and lifted the shirt over my head. Louis traced his fingers over the scars that were on my back, “Anytime I disobeyed him he’d whip me with his belt. Hover over me while I’m standing against a wall. If I screamed he’d slit my throat. I had it. That’s why ran away. And when I met you. I felt like everything could become better. You saved me the other day. You saved me two months ago. So thanks.”



I just brought Ella into my arms as she sobbed. I took her chin and lifted it up so she could face me. “Ella. We’ll get through this. I promise. I will never- We will never let anything happen to you. I promise that.” “You can’t promise that Lou.” I slid my hand down her cheek, “Yes I can.” I leaned in, “How?” She leaned in closer, “I’m scared Louis.” She looked away for a second, “Babe, don’t be scared. You’re not alone. You’ll never be alone.” She looked back at me. Our faces were inches apart. I’ve been waiting for this moment for awhile. She leaned in closer sitting on her knees. I cupped her face and leaned in closing the gap between us. I moved my lips against hers gently, not knowing how she felt. I opened my eyes for a second then closed them, I was kissing Ella.


I have been waiting for this moment for so long. No more interuptions. Just us. Me Ella and Louis. I pulled apart and looked at him, he moved a stray hair from my face. “Why are you looking at me like that Lou?” I asked, “You’re just so beautiful.” I blushed, “And blushing just makes everything much cuter.” Okay that’s it. I had to kiss him again. I crashed our lips together. He seemed surprised but continued. I climbed on top of him kissing him harder. What has gotten into me? I pulled away feeling really sleepy. I yawned. “Tired?” Louis asked, I nodded. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to-nope not my room-his room. I burried myself in the covers and felt his warm body close to me, he kissed my cheek. “Goodnight Ella.”


I walked into to check on Ella. From yesterday, I don’t think she ever came out of her room. “ELLA IS MISSING!!!” I shouted down the hallway. Three heads popped out of the door, they looked angry, except Liam. “Did you check her room Harry?” I nodded, “She’s not in there! WHERE IS SHE LIAM!” “Good morning!” We all turned around to Ella coming out of Louis’s room, Louis shortly following behind. I looked between the two, “Explain?” She laughed, “Nothing to explain. Now close your mouth.” Her and Louis ran to the kitchen not be bothered by the questions that were all in our heads.


“Okay. Tomlinson. Benson. Explain yourselves.” I looked between them, “Like I said Malik,” She mocked, “There’s nothing to explain. I couldn’t sleep last night. I found Louis in the kitchen. We grew tired so he just took me to his room. Nothing happened I promise.” She looked back at Louis and he winked at her. She just face palmed herself. “Why did he just wink at you?” Niall asked, “Ugh. Is it a problem I can wink at a girl?” Louis chuckled, “No. Well. Yes? Er.. No.” Niall stuttered, “Than it’s settled. If nothing happened, NOTHING happened.” With that the two of them left.


“Well that was suttle Louis. You said we wouldn’t tell them yet.” I smiled slapping him in the face with a pillow. “I didn’t say anything. I just winked. That is not implying anything.” I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down, “Well with the boys, I’m sure they are putting the pieces together. Niall might not be. But I’m sure he’ll catch on.” He chuckled, “I HEARD THAT!” God damn, that freaking intercome. Oh shit, “THE INTERCOME!” I stated jumping up from under Louis. “You need to get that fixed, they could of heard us.” I whispered, “We did sweetheart. Niall hand me the 5 pounds.” Liam stated confidently, “You don’t know anything Liam!” Oh boys. “Well by the sounds of it… sounds like something is going on.” Louis and I laughed then walked out of the room.

“So you bet on us?” I asked sitting next to Niall, “We bet on anything.” I laughed, “It’s true. It’s fun though!” Harry chimed, “Okay. Well let’s go to dinner later tonight. All of us? Yeah? Okay sounds like a plan! See you in awhile.” With that Louis and I walked out of the room and headed downstairs. 


Damn intercome! haha but look they kissed? LIKE LIKE?? <3 Vote and Comment

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