Chapter six

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Chapter 6


“Selene, please let’s talk about this- ”


“Talk about what? It’s already decided for me so what’s there to talk about? And to make it worst your already planning on starting right away so really Damien there is nothing more you can say other then ‘sorry Selene for using you like a breading horse’.” I said slamming our bedroom door open.


This was becoming too much. Everything was finally dawning on me and I couldn’t try to pretend that it wasn’t real. This wasn’t a stupid Hollywood movie where the blood was corn syrup and the fangs were plastic, no this was real and I was right in the middle of it. These monsters were real and what made this all worst was I was one of them.


Screaming in frustration I grabbed the first thing next to me (which ironically was a lamp) and hurled it across the room where it crashed into a wall and shattered into tiny pieces.


Damien scowled at me, “That was entirely uncalled for young lady.”


“You,” I said spinning to face him, “shut up. You have no idea what I’m going through right now.”


Rolling his eyes he walked to me with is arms outstretched, “Now Selene calm down- ”


“No! I’m serious, you try being told that all this exists and on top of that your one of the creatures that you didn’t even think to be real. And even with that you find out there’s a war going on it and its up to you to help with the outcome.” Knowing I was crying I couldn’t stop myself, “and you have to sleep with a man you’ve never met and have children who are just going to go out and fight and possibly never come back. You try learning all that in two days and tell me how you feel.”


His face made me want to kick myself for crying in front of him, but I couldn’t help it, whenever I get frustrated it just happens. “Moi belle my deepest apologies, I had no clue that you would be so innocent to our knowledge. I had figured your father would have told you about us and what was to come.”


“I was told nothing, unless he planned to tell me before he died but even then my mom didn’t say anything either.”


“Died?” Damien echoed looking bewildered. “What do you mean before he died?”


I frowned and sat on the huge bed, “He died four years ago in a car crash.” Turning away I had to swallow the lump that formed in my throat. “The car caught fire before the police could come.”  


He looked down, “Hm, I’m so sorry.” Sitting on the bed, he appeared deep in thought.


Shaking my head at his weirdness I decided to just ignore it. “Whatever can you call Ivy to help get this dress off?” I asked standing up and untying the front.

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