Chapter Seven

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hey so i know i havn't uploaded in forver >.< soorry! school is almost ovr so i shuld b on it lik donkey kong now lol. i actually lost encouragment n ths story but my sis helped give it back with her nagging so no worries but i wuld love it if my few readers culd comment nd lemme knw what needs improvment and ofcourse offer encouragment for me. ima continue writing with or without the comments but theyd b a big help :) enjoy ill have another one up in one to two days 

 Chapter Seven:


Shaking my head at a crude joke Alec was saying as we entered the castle I could feel a sudden tenseness come upon us.

“My Lord-” Ivy began giving a low bow.

“Enough.” I turned towards Damien’s ice cold voice and saw him slowly making his way toward us. “Ivy, please leave us,” at this she swiftly left the room with Alec at her heels, “no Alec, not you.” Alec turned around with a quizzical eye but before he could say anything Damien had him up against the wall by the throat.

“Damien!” I shouted in total confusion while tugging on his arm, “What in hell do you think you’re doing?”

“My Lord,” Alec choked out, “my deepest apologizes. I meant no offense.”

I turned to Alec with wide eyes, “What did you do?”

Suddenly I was pushed back roughly by Damien who was still using one hand to hold up Alec, “Do not address him!” trembling by the fierceness of his voice and harshness of his gaze, I stayed silent. Turning back to Alec, his voice lowered to a more deadly one then you could imagine, “She is to be my wife, whatever acquaintanceship you once held must be severed. Speak to her again and I swear I’ll kill you with my bare hands.” With that he released his hold on Alec and stood there while he scurried away.

I watched as Damien turned to face me. Staring up at him, I knew I was looking at him in complete terror but what do you expect? I’ve never seen him this angry and to say the least I was terrified.

“Selene,” he began walking towards me.

“No.” I whispered turning away and took off in the other direction.

Hearing nothing I figured he was just going to let me go but my thoughts were proven wrong a moment later when he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me backwards into his body.

“Selene wait don’t run I’m only doing what’s best.” He said soothingly in my ear.

“What’s best? How is separating me from my friends best for me?”

“Your friends?” he shouted slamming me up against the wall. “That boy was sent to lure you in and Ivy is merely a servant you’ve met only a day ago. Can you really classify them as friends?”

Tears were now dripping down my face as I glared up at the prick before me, “maybe I could if you would actually let me see them instead of threatening them to never talk to me again!”

That shut him up, giving me enough time to wipe my face. “I will not allow some boy who has developed feelings with you, even though he knew you were to be my future wife, remain friends with you any longer.” He finally grounded out. “And I will not argue with you over it. As Lady over the demons you are expected to act a certain way. Do you know how often I was questioned today on why my bride was not with me but another male? Alec knew his wrong and obliged to do the right thing and so shall you.”

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