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I usually wake up early than Baz, I always do. But this morning Baz is up before me, fucking around with god knows what.

"Can you wake up quieter." I say with my head in the pillow, but instead of Baz's cold voice I'm greeted by Penny's soft one.

"I woke up an hour ago and I'm pretty sure Basil did too." I jump up but not because Penny's voice scared me, I jump up to look over at Baz's bed. Empty. And for some reason I'm worried. Worried about Baz.


Simon sits up immediately after I tell him Basil's not there. I wonder why. Simon hates Basil and Basil hates Simon. So why would Simon care if Baz wasn't there.


I usher Penny out the room and tell I'm getting dressed. What I'm really doing is going to find Baz (I'm going to get dressed though). I throw on my uniform and leave my tie hanging around my neck. I don't have time to tie it. I run down the stares of the mummers house. I head for the catacombs. It's the only Baz could be. Breakfast isn't open yet. I head into the catacombs.


I hear footsteps. Bloody hell someone's in a hurry, sounds like a fucking herd elephants just ran down the catacombs stairs. Then I recognise the bumbling footsteps as Snow's.


"Baz?" I ask quietly. He must be down here. I feel my way through the darkness before I actually find some sort of light.

"Baz!" I speak louder this time so he can hear me if he's down here.


Crowley, if Snow's trying to be quiet he's doing a bloody terrible job of it I could hear him the first time so he doesn't have to shriek like an injured wolf.

Then I see him, a silhouette.

"Baz, is that you?" Snow's voice is softer now.

I want to say "yes" but instead I say "Who the fuck else would it be?"

Then I see his hand reach out, and on instinct I take his hand into mine. Then he pulls me along with him. And for some reason unbeknown I let him drag me all the back to the entrance to the catacombs. I want to kiss him. I think I might. God knows how he'll take it.

"Look Simon..." And then Simon Snow kisses me.

Simon and BazWhere stories live. Discover now