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What does Snow think he's doing.

Kissing me like that and then not wanting to talk about it.

It's like he's playing a game of 'how many ways can you piss off a gay vampire'.

Maybe storming of like that was childish but if I stayed there any longer I'd either start crying like there was no tomorrow or I'd end up punching Snow in the face. Neither of which I wanted to do.

So ran back down into the catacombs and watched Snow and Bunce from a distance. Bunce says something to him and then they walk away to Mummers house. I wait until they're a safe distance away and I start making my way to the Mummers house too.


As soon as we were back in his room Simon started balling as well.

"Hey, hey. Simon I'm sure whatever happened isn't that bad." I was trying to be comforting but Simon just kept on crying. "Just tell me what happened."

He choked out a few words but I couldn't make them out. I nodded at him, to encourage him, to show that he could trust me.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone." Simon choked out in between sobs and I agreed immediately.

"I kissed him." Wait he kissed who, a boy clearly.

"Who did you kiss, Simon?"

"Baz" And just the mention of his name sends Simon back to tears.

Right, this could be worse, could be better but could be worse as well.

"Then I upset him." Simon says.

"Simon, I'm sure-" but I was interrupted by the door swinging open and Baz standing in the doorway. I instinctively stand between them "If you have come hurt Simon you've got another thing coming, Basil!"


I looked up as soon has the door crashed into the wall. Then I saw him. Baz. Then Penelope standing between us.

"Get out the way, Bunce!" Baz snaps at Penny but she stood her ground.

"Penny, it's fine." I say, even though clearly it's not. I've been crying and Baz is so angry he's red in the face. "I can handle it myself."

"No it's not Si-.Fine." She interrupts herself. She's still staring Baz down like she wants to smack him in the face. She's backs down reluctantly trusting me, then her voice drops to a whisper, "If anything happens just shout." And she walks out the door turning up her nose as she walks past Baz. He just sneers.

"What do you want?" I try to sound menacing. I don't.

"You know what I want. I want to know why you, of all people, kissed me." Baz speaks in a low voice.

"I don't know why." But I do, it's because I wanted to. Because he was sad and I was concerned and it just felt right. I take a deep breathe. Baz is staring me down. Clearly not satisfied with my lame answer. "Because...because I wanted to." I blurt it out before I can change my mind.

Baz grey eyes open wide and his jaw drops. "What?"


I just heard Simon fucking Snow tell me that he wanted kiss me. And all I can manage is (drum roll please) 'What?' Crowley. Bloody hell.


I grab Baz's hand. I don't know why. I just do. I pull him closer. He lets me. I wrap my arm around his shoulders and gently rest my hand the back of his neck. I put my other hand under his chin and I kiss him again. He lets me.

He wraps his arm around my back.

Once we finally pull away I stupidly say : "So it was OK, to kiss you?"

"I honestly don't think I need to answer that." Baz says but in a different tone. A softer tone.

Simon and BazWhere stories live. Discover now