Chapter 1

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"What would you like, sir?" I asked the man in front of me. He looked to be about 40-50 years old, and he also had a young child at his side.

"Could I please have a slice of that chicken?" He asked politely.

"Of course." I took his plate, and placed the piece of chicken on. 

"Here you go, sir. Have a nice night." I replied. 

After he left, I realized I had to go get more chicken from the kitchen. The man took the last piece of chicken. I went into the kitchen, and looked for more chicken. I didn't see any, so I decided to ask my friend, also the manager of the Food Department in this hotel, Sylvia, if she made extra chicken.

"Sorry, no. That was the last chicken we made tonight. " She paused. "Melissa, we have another reservation."

"Really? How come I never heard of it? I thought we were free tonight." To get a reservation in this lounge, you had to reserve at least one month earlier.

"Ya, but thing is, we're only serving one person, and he's the soon-to-be CEO of Lockwood." She exclaimed.

"Lockwood!? You've got to be kidding me!" Lockwood Cooperation was one of the most famous cooperations in the world. They dealt with many countries, and were rich. I didn't know anyone form the company personally, as it was very hard to get a job there. 

"I know, I know, I'm excited as well! Too bad I'm not serving the guy." She sighed.

"Huh, what do you mean?' I questioned her.

"Since there's only one person, you and only you will be serving him." She smiled.

"Really? Are you sure you wouldn't want to use another server?" I asked her.

"You're amazing, my dear. You have enough talent to please him, I know it." She said. "Now go change into your server uniform. Also, I set aside some spare food for you to cook once he gets here. Greet him at the lounge door in 15 minutes."

"Ok, Sylvia. Thanks." I took the uniform and went to the bathroom located in the back of the kitchen. 

Once I got to the bathroom, I inspected the uniform. It was a black pencil skirt with a black button-up jacket and a white shirt. I quickly changed into the uniform and folded my clothes neatly, before putting them in my bag. I checked my watch; 8:23 pm. The guest would arrive at 8:30. I took a few utensils from the kitchen and placed them on the table. I went to the front desk of the lounge and waited for the sound of the elevator to open.

A few minutes later, I heard a sound and immediately went out. There stood what was probably the most gorgeous man on Earth. His dark emerald green eyes showed authority, and his dark brown hair matched him perfectly. He stood at 6'2 (189 cm), while I was only 5'8 (178 cm). I waited for the manger of the hotel to introduce me to him.

"Mr. Lockwood, this the the lounge of the Tireniment hotel. You scheduled your dinner to be at 9:00 pm, and now it will be served by one of our finest servers, Melissa Hoillure. She's been working at Tireniment for just over a year, but she has great experience in the industry. She will be you cook and server tonight. Any questions before you have your dinner?" The manager asked.

"No questions. Mr. Rofois." Lockwood's son looked at his name plate before answering. 

"Very well. I will leave you to your dinner. Have a nice night." He said before entering the elevator. 

I stood there, frozen, before becoming aware that I had to serve his dinner.

"Mr. Lockwood, please follow me. I will guide you to your table. " I said nervously. We were the only ones in the lounge now.

He suddenly looked at me, like he never noticed me before. He nodded, and I continued. We walked to the table I set up before asking him what he would like to eat. 

"Do you have grilled chicken?" He asked. Oh my gosh. I'm melting... his voice is so deep and manly. I coughed, regaining my composure.

"Um.. sorry sir. We just ran out at happy hour. Is there something else you would like?" I asked him.

"I will just take a sandwich then." He said.

"Of course, Mr. Lockwood." I walked to the kitchen, and began preparing bread. I was cutting the lettuce when I felt a presence behind me. I looked up, and Mr. Lockwood was right behind me. Why is he so close? He's not supposed to be here! I thought in my mind.

"Umm.. sir, if you don't mind, could you wait outside for your sandwich to be done?" I whispered towards him. Surprisingly enough, he actually heard what I said.

"I want to stay here." Was all he said. 

"But sir, this is the policy of our hot- Owww!" I held my finger in pain. I was cutting the lettuce and speaking to him at the same time, and I didn't even realize it.

"Ms. Hoillure, take this bandage. " He was lightning quick to give me a bandage. 

"Thank you so much sir. You know, you don't have to do this.." I said.

"It's my pleasure. "He was silent for a bit. "I'll leave the kitchen and let you go back to your work. "

"O-ok sir." I told him. 

I quickly finished making the sandwich, and decorated it a bit. I took the sandwich to Mr. Lockwood and served it to him. 

I watched him take the first bite, and I was relived once I saw his face.

"Very nice, Ms. Hoillure. Thank you for the sandwich." He thanked me.

"Thank you, sir, for letting me serve you." I said.

"You're dismissed. " He replied to me.

I waited until he finished, then took the plate away from him. He left the lounge and took the elevator. I washed the plate, then changed back into my old clothes. Then, I took the elevator downstairs, and exited the hotel through the back door. 

Minutes later, I arrived in the small apartment that I rented. This apartment was very close to the hotel, so travel wouldn't be a problem. I took a shower, and decided to eat some fruit even though I already had my dinner. I then brushed my teeth and headed to bed, thinking about my family back in the countryside.

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