Chapter 5

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"Sir, you're wake up call at 7:00 am." The telephone by the night stand rang.

I opened my eyes groggily, accepting that I had to wake up. I rubbed my eyes and slowly pulled the covers off me. The curtains opened on my command, and I saw the beautiful view of Austria. Austria is really nice. The views are lovely. I couldn't just stand there watching the view all say long. I had to get prepared for work. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, and changed into my usual attire. By 7:15 am, I was upstairs at the lounge eating my breakfast. I wonder if Melissa is here today.. I only call her Ms. Hoillure because I would be a creep if I didn't. Everyone else calls her Ms. Hoillure, so I should follow along as well. For breakfast, I was having a coffee with scrambled eggs, bacon, and biscuits. I bet if Melissa served these, they would taste better. No, stop thinking about Melissa! I sighed, and quickly finish my breakfast so I could start my day.

Once I got outside the hotel, the limousine picked me up, and headed towards one of the largest Lockwood Cooptations. The headquarters were back in America, but the one in Austria was also quite large. The Lockwood Cooperations were full of high-tech materials, such as technology pads. Using my fingerprint, I entered the main building and instantly, two new bodyguards came to my side.

Hours later, the day finally finished. I sighed, as each day is becoming more tiring than the rest. Phone calls from different companies around the world, wanting to sign contracts with Lockwood Cooperations. People pestering you with stupid and random questions, so annoying. My limo stopped, so I stepped out of the car and into the hotel. Minutes later after I got into my room, a phone call came.

"Hey dad, what's up?" I asked him.

"Its been going alright, son. How's Austria?"

"It's alright. The view here is great though." I told him. I would love to come to Austria during my vacation time.

"Well, that's good to know. Anyways, I need to tell you something." I was curious.

"What is it? Did something happen?"

"No, nothing like that. I need you to come back to America. The work load here is crazy. I just sent another one of my workers to deal with everything in Austria." He said.

"I'm going back to America? So soon? I thought I was to stay here for the next five months." I was disappointed. I wanted to stay longer in Austria.

"Yes, son. You have to come back. Pack your bags tonight, as you plane will come early in the morning." He informed me. "I have work to do. See you soon." He ended the call after that.

I was surprised. Dad usually didn't make me go back early like that. Normally, the work load for our company isn't too much, but these days, we have hundreds of customers. Why do I suddenly feel so sad? I wondered to myself. I shook off the feeling and ordered room service. I was working on my laptop when the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" I walked to the door and opened it. I didn't expect it, but Melissa was here.

"Good evening, sir. What a coincidence this is." She looked into my eyes.

"Yes, it is a coincidence, Ms. Hoillure. Come in." I had just managed not to look away when she looked into my eyes. Her icy blue eyes were so beautiful, and her long, black hair swayed as she came into the room.

Melissa put the food on my dining table, before she started walking out of the door. She closed it, but a part of her skirt got stuck in the door, so I opened the door up and helped her get her skirt out.

"Oh my, thank you, Mr. Lockwood." I looked into her eyes. She was staring right back at me. Oh Melissa, if only I could hear your thoughts.

"No problem, Mel- Ms. Hoillure." God damn it! I almost said Melissa! I can' call her that when she's here! I calmed myself down before unconsciously looking through the eye hole on the door. Melissa was actually still there. From what it looked like, she was taking deep breaths, like she had just ran a marathon. Suddenly, her head turned to look through the eye hole. Out of embarrassment, I turned away. A few seconds later, I checked to see if she was there or not. It turns out, she left. Why.. why.. do I feel like I want her to be here? Shaking my head, I went to my table and starting eating. When I took the napkin and wiped my lips, I saw something slightly black on it. There was some writing on it.

Enjoy your dinner, Mr. Lockwood.

Melissa Hoillure

I was overjoyed at this. She actually bothered to write this to me! I carefully put the napkin away, and took another napkin to use. After I finished, I decided that I had to start packing. I didn't bring much, only a few T-shirts and pants, along with all my suits that I use to go to my meetings. I quickly finished up packing before going on my phone. I like to look at my old photos, as they remind me of the places I've been and the people I've met. I was looking a a photo that I took of the lounge of the Tireniment hotel, as this was a beautiful hotel. Looking closely, I saw that Melissa was actually in the picture. She was serving another customer, and she looked stunning in her simple waitress uniform. Even when she doesn't dress up, she looked beautiful. I sighed. I continued looked at photos of the hotel, trying to see if she appearing in any of them, even in the slightest bit. She didn't. After coming to conclusion with myself, I understood why I didn't want to go back to America. I wanted.. I wanted to stay with Melissa. I knew she was just a friend now, but.. I want to know her better. I don't even know if she considers us friends. She's just supposed to be another worker. But.. she's my worker. My favorite worker. I hadn't known her for long, but the way she speaks, the way she laughs, the way that she does anything.. I don't know.. she's just so amazing, without even having to try.

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