Chapter 8

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John had decided to walk me to work everyday. He would wake up early just for me. It was very nice seeing him at my apartment every morning. We would wake to the hotel while chatting, and then he would kiss me good-bye while I headed to the kitchen.

"Today's a very busy day. Better get movin'!" Sylvia told me. I quickly changed into my uniform before turning on the stove.

The day passed by, and I was in fact really tired at the end. There were definitely more customers than normal, but I shouldn't be too tired by them.I was going about my business when suddenly there was a crowd around the entrance of the lounge. I didn't look much about it, but as soon as that person entered the lounge, I was speechless.

"Mr. Lockwood?" I whispered.

So many things were running through my head. Why did he come back? Does he remember me? Do I say anything special to him? What do I even say to him? Should I even talk to him? I decided to do nothing on my part, so I continued serving the guests food. I felt his gaze pass me, and I tensed. Why the hell are you so tense, Mel? He's just a guest at the hotel. Nothing more, nothing less. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him walk over, looking straight at me. I fidgeted my clothes, not knowing what do to.

"Hello, Miss Hoillure. It's good to see you again." He wasn't asking for food. He placed both hands on the counter and looked at me.

"As to you, sir." I kept my voice steady. I didn't look into his eyes. They were too captivating.

"So, I would like a piece of that." He pointed towards the steak.

"Of course." I took a plate and carefully sliced a slice of meat off. I gave the plate to him.

He walked away and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

An hour later, my shift at the Tireniment was over. John showed up, and I smiled. We went down the elevator together. As we arrived at my apartment, I thanked them for walking me back.

"No problem. It's my job as your boyfriend." He pecked my lips gently, then kissed my nose. I said goodnight to him, and he did the same.

Right after he left, I heard a voice beside me.

"Never knew you got a boyfriend, Miss Hoillure." Mr. Lockwood leaned against the wall, arms crossed. His feet were crossed as he gazed at me.

"Mr. Lockwood!? What are you doing here at this hour?" I whisper-screamed at him.

"Nothing. I saw you go down with him and decided to follow you."

"Are you a stalker or something?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"No, of course not. I just wanted to see where you were going, and if you're safe or not.

"It's not your responsibility to make sure I'm safe or not. Either way, of course I'm safe. I know what I'm doing. I seriously wonder what he is doing here.

He paused for a second. "Are you in love with him?" He asked.

"Him? You mean John?"

"Yeah. Him." He said.

"Well.. uh... I like him... he's nice to me at work.. and he talks to me a lot. He's really flattering, and he's just a good guy in general." I wonder why I'm spilling all this information to a guy I barely know, much less Wilson Lockwood!

I looked down for a second, not knowing what to say or do. I saw movement, and Mr. Lockwood got up from the wall. He slowly walked over to me, before standing right in front of me. He leaned in, looking at my eyes. I thought I felt him looking at my soul.

"Um.. sir.. we barely know each other. I think it's best if you left now." I told him with my head down.

"And why would I want to leave? I like talking to you." His line send butterflies down my stomach. Stop it! You have a boyfriend! I looked up to see him smirking. Wow, that's a first.

He took a step towards me, and I tried to back up a little, as he was getting a tiny bit too close. It seems that I forgot there was a wall behind me. He continued walking towards me until we were face to face. I knew very well that he was devilishly handsome, and that if I looked into his eyes, I would melt, regardless if I had a boyfriend or not. He place a hand on the wall beside me, before gently taking my chin and lifting it up so I would look at him in the eye. What.. why the hell is he touching me like that?! I have a boyfriend.

"Sir, I have a boyfriend. I would appreciate it if you didn't come so close." I pushed him away slightly.

"Oh, I think we both know that you enjoyed this close encounter." He smirked again. Damn.

"Mr. Lockwood, you seem to have changed your personality a bit. Before, you were calm and collected. Now, you're smirking at me like I'm some girl you can have a fling with!" I was sorta shocked.

"This is my personality around beautiful women, you know?" He proceeded to step closer to me.

"What a let down." I crossed my arms. I didn't know where I was getting all this confidence from. Most of the time, I only really open up to people who know me well.

Mr. Lockwood swiftly placed a hand on the wall beside my head once again, and this time, I didn't look down. I looked into his eyes bravely, noting the gold flecks. I looked at the shape of his shape jawline, making him ruggedly handsome. I observed the way his tall nose fit his face shape, Finally, I looked at his lips. The perfect pink, so moisturized. I gulped, not wanting him to know my heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Does this make you uncomfortable, Miss Hoillure?" His head moved even closer to mine. It was barely ten centimeters away.

"Uhh.. " I couldn't speak right now. He's too close.

I watched him grace at my lips, before looking back into my eyes.

"Your eyes are stunning." He told me.

I blushed profusely. I'm not used to many comments about me.

"Thank you." I replied.

"You're cute when you blush."

"I'm not blushing." I turned my head away from him.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not.

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm not!"

Soon, he placed both hands on the side of me. I couldn't escape. I was stuck there. I felt trapped. He looked into my eyes once again, and I had to look down due to the intensity of his gaze. Before my head was down, he caught it with his hand, and forced me to look up. I couldn't even think right now. Heck, I probably forgot my name! He came closer, and moved his hand very slowly to caress my check. I know I should have moved him away, emphasized the fact that I had a boyfriend. But, I couldn't. I was lost in time, lost in space. I felt the warmness of his hand touch my check, and I had to say, the sparks were real. Every second that his hand was on my check, it felt like it was on fire. I felt like I was about to burst. I leaned forward, wanting to look at him closer. Mr. Lockwood slowly closed his eyes, and I did as well. As soon as our lips grazed, I backed away. Holy crap. Holllllly crappp. What did I just feel? I looked at him, and from his face, I could tell he felt the same thing. At this moment, I didn't care that I had a boyfriend. I knew that I considered him more as a friend, not a boyfriend. I took his arm so he could come closer to me. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted him to kiss me. So badly. I had never wanted to kiss anyone so badly. I closed my eyes, and as soon as our lips touched, fireworks, sparks, whatever you wanted to name, it was there. He kissed me so gently, I thought I would die of happiness. He grabbed my waist in one hand while his other hand was in my hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Shortly, we pulled away. My forehead was against his, and we were both breathing as if we had just ran a marathon.

"What.." I was out of breath from a kiss.

"Was that?" He looked into my eyes.

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