Chapter 3

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I knew it! I knew it! He has a girlfriend!

I mean, why wouldn't he have a girlfriend. Or maybe she was his fiancée. Or maybe he's already married. No, I don't think so. He's quite young.

I slowly rolled out of bed, and starting to fry myself an egg for breakfast. I was a very sleepy person in the morning, but I enjoyed my job. I ate my egg and got ready to go out to the hotel. Soon, I arrived and got into be kitchen attire. Along with the other chefs, I made breakfast once again for the hotel guests. There were extra guests in the hotel because it was holiday season, so we would have to make more food for everyone.

Later, during my lunch how, a call from my parents back in the countryside came up.

"Hello, honey!" My mom's sweet voice came up.

"Mom, hi!" I was excited. I haven't heard from my parents in weeks.

"How do you like it there, in the middle of town? Is it fun? Did you make any friends? Oh also, I heard that Wilson Lockwood is staying the the hotel you're working at. Isn't that fascinating?" So that's Lockwood's first name. Wilson.

"It's quite fun here, mom. There are so many new things to explore. I have a few friends inside the hotel. Yes, it's true that Mr. Lockwood is staying at the Tireniment." I told her. "Is Dad here?"

"Oh yes, he's here." She called my dad, and he came over. "Pumpkins, I missed you!" I hated that nickname, but that's what my dad called me.

"Hey Dad! I missed you too! How's life at home without me?" I lightly teased him.

"Eh, we're doing good. I still miss you though." He sighed. "Your sister is coming to visit you in Vienna in a few days, did ya know that?" He asked.

"Dad! It's suppose to be a surprise!" I heard Emmaline, my older sister, talking in the background.

I chuckled. I knew Dad had a tendency to ruin surprises like that. I ended the call soon, and went back to work.

Time flew by during lunch and Happy Hour, and I would now have to start welcoming Mr. Lockwood and his girlfriend. Earlier in the day, I saw him with my icy blue eyes and asked him what he would like to eat.

"Sir, for your reservation this evening, what would you like to dine on?" I asked him politely.

"Well-done steak is fine."

"Of course, sir. Would you like to come to the lounge and choose the table and the setting for it?" I questioned him.

"Uh, sure." He looked confused. Either way, he still came up.

I brought him to a table and asked him what kind of decorations would he like.

"Would you like roses placed on the table?"

"No, I don't need roses. Just a simple decoration would do."

"Are you sure, sir? I'm sure girls these days love to be welcomed with flowers and large decorations." I told him thoughtfully.

"Girls? I'm inviting my friend over for dinner. He's my best bud."

"Oh my, oh my, my apologies, sir. I thought you were bringing your girlfriend or something." My voice quivered.

He wasn't planning on bringing his girlfriend? All day I was thinking about how to arrange the table, and make it suitable for him and his...wait. Why am I going through all this trouble to make him extra happy? I could have just done something simple, and then everything would have been much better... Stop thinking about him, Melissa. Focus on work.

I cooked the steak and within minutes of it done, I welcomed him to the lounge for the second time ever since I met him.

At night, Mr. Lockwood arrived with his friend. His friend was quite similar in looks. They both had chiseled jaws, with strong muscles in their arms. Their faces were both strikingly hot, and compared to my pitch black hair and blue eyes.. so plain... Shut up, Mel! What are you saying? Are you calling Mr. Lockwood hot? Well, he's not un-hot or anything... and now I'm here talking to myself. I decided it was time to welcome the men.

"Good evening. Please, let my lead you to your table." I felt their gaze linger on me before following me.

I seated them to their table and brought out their food. After, I left. As soon as I retuned to the kitchen, I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding. Why is my heart beating so much? Gosh, I've having too many hot men around me. I peeked outside the door or the kitchen. There, I saw them eating, making little talk. Soon, Mr. Lockwood's friend spoke.

"Hmm.. this food is delicious. That girl makes good food." He said between bites.

"Yes, that's why I told her to make it." Mr. Lockwood replied.

"So, Wil, how's your vacation here in Austria?" The friend, also known as Brad, said.

"Its not a vacation. I am only here for work, and nothing else. As soon as I finish my job, I will go back to America and stay there." He replied seriously.

No! You shouldn't be eavesdropping! I really wanted to listen to what they were talking about all of a sudden. I don't know what interested me, but I really wanted to know whatever they were saying. I continued listening.

"Have you found someone to marry yet? You know your parents are setting up an arranged marriage for you." He smirked.

"No." He slammed his first down on the table with light force. "I will not marry until I have found the right woman." For some reason, he seemed slightly startled by this question. A few seconds earlier, he was calm and collected, but now, he seemed almost angry.

"Sorry, man. You know how much I want you to get married. All your life you seem like you wanted a girl to spend the rest of your life with." Brad commented.

"That is true, but I have to wait until the right person."

They didn't talk much after that, and they soon finished their meal. I walked out of the kitchen to clean up their plates. I gathered up their plates and starting walking back. Unfortunately, I tripped on my own shoe. I stumbled, trying to get a hold of myself. Soon, a pair of strong arms held my waist daintily, and I looked up to see Brad looking at me, startled.

"Are you okay, miss?" He asked me.

"Yes, of course. Excuse my clumsiness. " His hand is still on my waist. I felt a movement beside me as Mr. Lockwood look at Brad. He let go of my waist immediately.

I brushed myself off, and rushed back to the kitchen, not wanting to embarrass myself anymore. I cooled down, before going out of the kitchen again to lead Mr. Lockwood and Brad out of the kitchen. I heard Mr. Lockwood tell Brad to leave, and that he would come soon. Mr. Lockwood looked at me, and I looked down at myself self consciously. Did I have something on my clothes or on my face? I don't think so. I looked up to see Mr. Lockwood less than a meter away. He continued to stare at my face for a few seconds, before entering the elevator as well. Before he left, he said something to me.

"You know, Ms. Hoillure, eavesdropping is a bad thing." He spun his head around and left.


Author's Note (A.N.)

Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story. I now have some good news. I will be updating every Thursday, so you can look forward to new chapters every week. Again, thanks for reading!



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