Chapter 6

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For the next six months, I never saw Mr. Lockwood. He left without saying a word.  Well, was he supposed to tell me? We're not even friends. At least, a "good-bye" would be good. Either way, he's none of my business anymore. Presumably, he went back to America, but he could have gone somewhere else. 

"Melissa, you're free to go. Have a nice day!" Sylvia said, interrupting my thoughts. 

"Oh, okay, Sylvia. Bye!" I waved back at her before entering the elevator. 

Fishing for me phone in my bag, I saw a new message that popped up.

Courses Update: New Homework Assignment!

After Mr. Lockwood left, I had enough savings to find myself some college education courses online. Recently, I also worked at a store that sells dog treats, which supplied me with more money, thus letting my save up for my future. Growing up, I had always wanted to be a lawyer, or work at a large company. Even though I was not rich, I could still pay for my expenses on my food and shelter, as well as clothes. Once I had enough savings, I would probably quit my job at the Tireniment, because I can't just spend the rest of my life as a server and cook at the hotel. I wanted to make something good of my life, because like is wonderful. 

I exited the hotel through the back door, and to my left, I saw John waiting for me (A.N. Incase you don't remember John, he's also another worker at the hotel). 

"Hey, Mel." He came up to me and hugged me. "How was work today?"

"Same as it always is." He slung his arm around my shoulder. "Do you want to go to the park with me? I haven't been there in a while, and I wanted to have some fresh air."

"Of course, baby." He kissed me forehead. I looked up at smiled at him. How lucky am I have to have someone like him?

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned me.

"Just about how lucky am I to having someone care for me so much." I told him sheepishly. 

He blushed, and I couldn't help but kiss him on his cheeks. 

"You're so cute." I murmured towards him. His face just turned redder, like a tomato.

I laughed, and soon we arrived at the park. I looked at the trees and the grass, as nature calmed me down. I sat on one of the benches beside John, gazed at the sky.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? Just like you." He whispered at me. Now it was my turn to blush.

His arm was still on my shoulders, and his other hand reached for my neck. I looked into his brown eyes. So different from Mr. Lockwood's. No! I can't be thinking about Mr. Lockwood anymore! He's just a guest that came to the hotel and left. His eyes burned into mine, as his hand moved up from my neck and to my cheek. I watched as his eyes flicked to my lips, and we both leaned in. My lips touched his; they were warm and soft. His kisses never made me nervous. He allowed me to embrace him, as I kissed him deeper. Our kiss was light and slow, making it a perfect kiss at the park. My hands reached around his neck, and his hand went to my waist as he brought me closer to him. My tongue entwined with his, making a fight between our mouths. I soon pulled away for air. He leaned his forehead against mine. My breathing came in fast pants, as his did too. It took me a while for me to recover from that.

"C'mon, Mel. I'll walk you home." He stood up and reached his hand towards me. I generously took it as he hoisted me up from the bench.

Hand in hand, he walked me back to my home. When we arrived at my doorstep, he quickly pinned me to the wall and looked into my eyes. His eyes diverted down towards my lips once again, and without thinking, I crashed my lips into his. He immediately accepted them, and kissed me just as furiously. I had to stop, as someone could just walk out and they would see us making out.

"John, s-stop." I giggled. His lips were sucking my neck.

"I don't want to." He said between kisses.

"Some-someone will see us." I was nearly out of breath.

"Let them see."

I had enough strength to push him off me, and I forced him to look into my eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" His face was parallel to mine, searching my eyes.

He nodded, and said good-bye to me with another kiss. I was reluctant to leave him, but I had to sleep early for tomorrow's work day. I closed the door, and slunk down to the floor with my back on the door. Unfortunately, I don't think John and I had that spark that most relationships had. We were great as friends, but it was John's idea. He invited me to dinner, and that turned into a date, and that date turned into more.. and now here I am. I really thought we were better off as friends. I told this to John, but he said that we could make it work. I hate to break this to him, but I wasn't really in love with him. He was my boyfriend, but I didn't love him. John knows how I feel, but he said he wanted to give this a try. If it didn't work, we would break up. Break out of it, Mel. I stood up and walked into my bathroom to shower. I undressed myself, and looked at my body. My body didn't look bad, but it could be better. Unlike most girls, I always wanted smaller breasts. If I wanted a guy to like me, it would be for me, not for my body. My stomach could have been more toned, and my legs could have been longer. I signed, before turning on the shower knob. 

I finished showering and brushing my teeth, so I headed to my bedroom and pulled the covers on me. I looked through my windows and stared at the stars that I had been looking for earlier that night. I always loved the stars as a little kid. Even now, they are still aspiring for me. My parents always told me that each star is a person, and how each person is always shining, just like their star in the sky. They told me that if you look hard enough, you could find which star matches each person. That story was childish, but I still loved it. I found the star that matched my sister. I missed her dearly, but I knew that she was coming to visit me tomorrow. She phoned me last night and reminded me that her flight would come at 11:00 am tomorrow morning. I also found my mom, and my dad. I haven't called them in a long time, I should probably do that.  In the end, I matched a star to Mr. Lockwood. That star was in the center of all the stars, showing power. That star was also larger, mimicking authority. I saw his clear face, right in the center of all the stars. I always wondered where he went. Normally, he would show up everywhere, and I got to see him everyday. I kind of missed his glances at me. His eyes always captivated me. They were emerald green, with flecks of gold in them. I wanted to stare at them forever, but I would be a creep if I did that. Soon, I feel asleep, as all the matching stars with people made my eyes tired. I spent the night dreamless, but still woke up feeling more refreshed than ever. 



Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! Just a heads up, if any one of you has questions, comments, or concerns, don't be afraid to contact me. :D

Yours truly,


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