Pay Attention To Your Surroundings

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Lance found himself walking to the hanger, he usually goes there when he is feeling down, and tonight he definitely isn't feeling his usual self. He just wants to sit with blue and let her pick through his brain as she would give him comfort.

The blue paladin stepped through the doors that lead him inside the hanger, he made his way over to his lion and sat down next to one of her metal paws.

Blue greeted him with a soft hum and Lance felt the concern through their connection. "Hey blue.." His voice shook but he didn't really care at the moment, no one was around to see him so why should it matter if he let his emotions slip.

Blue purred in a way of asking him what was bothering him. Lance sighed and it took him a while before he found the words to speak "I don't think I'm needed here, I feel as if I just don't have a thing while everyone else has something that they are really good at, what am I good at? Sure I can shoot but that's nothing special, nobody needs me around...I'm just annoying."

Lance brought his knees to his chest and hugged his legs as he placed his head down on his knees. Blue sent him a hum trying to tell him that he was special and that he was needed, but those thoughts twisted themselves in Lance's mind. "No blue, I'm only needed to form voltron, that's it." Blue hummed angrily at him.

"Sorry I-" Lance was cut off from speaking when he spotted Keith making his way in the hanger. Lance immediately fixed his posture and wiped his face while also hoping his eyes weren't red. 

Keith spotted Lance sitting by the blue Lions paw and walked over to him "Hey, Allura wants us all to go to the control room, we've found another base and we are going to go over a plan to get inside and get some more information." Keith's stare was the same as always, cold. At least Lance could be happy that his face showed none of his emotions from earlier. Lance stood and shoved himself past Keith without even saying anything to him.

Keith looked confused for a minute before glaring at Lance's retreating figure and ran after him. "Hey, You could have said thank you for coming to get you!" 

Lance glanced back at Keith and the look in his eyes made the red paladin's eyes widen. Keith saw hurt in those blue eyes but it was replaced with annoyance a second later and Lance looked away again before continuing his walk to the control room, once again not saying anything.

Keith stood still for a minute trying to figure out why Lance's eyes would hold that emotion, he had always thought that Lance was cheerful all the time, that nothing could bring the other down. Keith was confused but shrugged it off for another time and made his way to the control room after composing himself. 

"Paladins. we have come across another Galra base and we have come up with a plan to get inside, as well as gather any information that they may posses." Allura started her explanation and everyone listened carefully. 

Their plan consisted of Keith and Lance breaking into the base much to Lance's disappointment. Keith on the other hand was going to take this opportunity to keep an eye on lance and watch to see if he could find the same emotion he saw earlier appear once again. 

Shiro, Hunk and Pidge would be defending the castle in case they were spotted. Pidge had equipped the others lions with the same cloaking device as her's so that they could sneak in without getting caught. 

Both Keith and Lance took their own Lions and made their way slowly towards the base, Pidge had already unlocked the hanger door so they could get inside. Once they made it inside they parked their Lions and quickly but carefully made their way through the base. 

Keith was ahead of Lance and was leading them to the control room. Although getting there was harder than they both had anticipated, there were Sentries and Galra soldiers everywhere, Keith was timing their steps as Shiro had taught him but sometimes that tactic didn't work and they would have to hope for the best and quickly move to a different spot. 

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