Chapter 4 White Dress

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It's been a few day that Tyler's been coming over and we have been getting closer. I guess I kinda like him now... well I don't know maybe ugh should I like him or not. I confused myself if I should or shouldn't like him.
It's been a few hours during those few hours I cleaned and cooked. I then went up to my room to lay down and watch a movie, I slowly drifted off to sleep.
I saw this lady standing by herself and as I keep walking towards her she would move farther away. She had on this white dress it was simple and cute, it moved with the wind and when she stopped the dress would stop moving and I thought that was odd. I then yelled 'Hey!' To her but she didn't look. I followed her for a good mile it seems like then we reached the end of the cliff she then turned around and I noticed who it was right away it was Sam...
I woke up and yelled for Sam, she than came running in my room. I started telling her about my dream and she looked sad and as soon as I said cliff she told me something I'll never forget she said 'I had reason like you to do it and now my body isn't at peace but I am.' She said all that with disappointment and I looked at her with worry in my eyes. I kept think to myself as our conversation went on was that I want to find her body and put it at peace. I then asked how long has it been since she died; It's been three years but her body still should be there I kept thinking I don't know what should I do.
My phone phone kept rigging and I finally answered it, it's two in the mornings so I have no clue of what could be this important for a call.

"Hello is this Olive?"
"Yes this is her, may I ask who's calling me this late?"

"Yes, this is Dr.Richard's I called to tell you that your mother sadly passed away this morning, the cancer took over her body and she um... well had a stroke from it."

"I-I'll be there in a few!"
I cried to my self about my mom passing away I wanted her to live. I want my mother, the one who I called my mommy. I yelled at myself for not being there I was there everyday and night but this, THIS ONE NIGHT I wasn't there she died. I kept yelling at myself silently I hate my self for not being there.
I then texted Tyler to tell him we can't hang out today like we where going to. I told him about my mom dying. He said he would take me to the hospital and well so he did.
We got there and we both went up to where they said she was. I started to cry more then I was I couldn't believe she was gone. I'm only sixteen with no mother or father. I do have a father but we don't talk about what happened.
My father left my mom and I when I was really young maybe like five. All he did was fight with my mom and abuse me and her. My mom was less scared of him but one day she 'grew balls' and told him off and fought back for us. She went to court and gained full custody of me she also got a restraining order from him and he can't be near me or her at all.
Once we moved from New York to Florida where my mom was from, we where happy and lived a great life with my grandma and grandpa.
I looked to Tyler with tears running from my eyes and he knew I wasn't happy so he pulled me in to a tight hug and wished to me that 'Every thing's okay.' I then looked at him again saying 'how would you know, you haven't lost everyone in your life!' I didn't just say it to him, I yelled it to him, after that I felt really bad and I didn't know what to do. I then ran out of the room after I told them what I wanted to do with my mom which was cremate her.
It was later on to the evening and I was at Tyler's house crying my ass off. I wasn't happy at all and I didn't know what to do. He was talking to his mom and dad trying to see if I could stay the night over at there house just for comfort but I then walked out running to my house. I heard something or someone running after me so I stared running faster then I ever had. I then fell and hurt my knee and I saw a shadow of a hand reach out. I regained my focus and saw it was him Tyler.
I guess you can say he's became my best friend from the few weeks we have been hanging out.
We walked back to his house as he told me his parents said I can stay there for a few nights if I need to.
I ended up staying there a week and one night I just went home and never went back. During that week things I guess you can say stuff happened. I wore his cloths and well I was basically his girlfriend for a week. I'm not gonna lie it was kinda nice cause he hugged me and kissed me on my head also held my hand and made food for me. But I think he was just being nice cause after all the week before that my mom passed and I still think about her a lot.
Tyler's POV
Liv yes Liv stayed at my house for a week and it was nice cause well I kinda like her. I cooked for her and let her wear my cloths that look absolutely fucking adorable on her and I didn't want her to take them off. But the thing I liked the most when she was staying at my house was when I got to kiss her on her head. I saw her blush a little and I did too when I kissed her on her head.
Liv is know what you can say my girl best friend but know I don't care what people think for the school year, yeah she's the so called 'freak' but who cares. She's a really beautiful girl and super nice and I don't see why they call her that when they have never sat down to talk to her like I did. Sometimes I wish I can call her mine and that's that. But I also don't want to cause what if she doesn't like me I mean come on I'm a dick to people at school and well I guess I'm not good for her cause I don't want to hurt her. I guess I love her and I don't want to ever stop seeing her. Yeah I know she can see and talk to the dead and that's cool but I don't care to me in my eyes she's perfect and I can ask for but I can't date her can I?
My mom asked my why I don't ask her out and I simply said 'well because what if she doesn't like and I don't want to hurt her.'
M- "Trust me seeing they way you two acted with each other this week, she likes you."
T-"How do you know that, we don't know what she thinks about me or about our family."
M-"If I raised two boys in my life and having one have friends over and the girl he liked over I know damn well she likes you, Look at your brother Aaron and Brianna have been together since I told him to ask her on a date."
T-"Really? You where the one who told Aaron to grow balls and ask her out, but there older and in collage mom it's different now."
M-"If you say soo..." she said as she walked away but the face she gave me as she walked away was like she knew what she was talking about. She I ask Liv on a date? As I thought to myself what if she says no, I'll be sad on the inside but not on the out I hope.

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