142 12 26

Secret Agent/Crima Legionnaire
146 criminals caught ,64 killed , 8 gangs busted ,12 hideouts discovered

I closed my notebook. It had been a month since I first met...
I mean since I came to know of his secret. And yet still there's so much to know about him. You would think he was an open book ...

He was not.
If I wanted to describe him in one word I would say mysterious. Sure, most of the times he seemed to act like an 5-yr-old in a 26-yr-old's body but it wasn't only that. Sometimes he was a flirt. Sometimes he was serious. And sometimes ...let's just say concealed.

Sure, he kept his promise. Told me about his missions. His teammates. But there was still an air secrecy. I knew he was hiding something.

I knew a lot about his teammates now. There was this girl named Ellie who was apparently their leader and according to Nick she was "scarier than a monster". Then there was this " whining princess" . I still don't know his real name. What I could gather about him from his rants was that he was his friend + rival.

" Lis? U okay? U spaced out"

We were in Nick's apartment. He was sitting on his couch and watching a movie. I was sitting on his bed, reading a story. It was 3 in the morning. We had frequent sleepovers when he was not on missions and I was not at work. To an outsider it would seem we were close. Don't get me wrong, we were close just not 'that' close.

"Nick what's your last name?"

"Why a sudden change of topic?"

"Just answer my damn question!"

"Why do u want to know?"

"Can't a person know his friend's full name?"

"I don't know yours"
I bite my lip, not wanting to tell him my name. Don't get me wrong , I had nothing to hide. Its just that I don't go by that name anymore. It brings back bad memories I have tried so hard to bury.

"Fine. I will tell you mine if u tell me yours. "

"Okay. You go first"

"Moraine. Lisa Moraine"
For a second I thought I saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes. Then they went back to normal.

" Nice name"

"You are supposed to tell me yours, you know?"

"Nothing. I have no last name."

"But you promised to tell me!"

" I can't tell you if I don't have one , can I? "

"B..but u tricked me!!!"

" You got yourself tricked." He was smirking now. Did I mention he was freakishly annoying?

"Tell me about your family"

"That was not a part of deal"

"Can't you just tell me?I told u about my family"

"Did you?" He raised his brow questioningly. He was really testing my patience now.

"My mother died when I was 14, and my father passed away 2 years back. There, I repeated!! Happy?"


I was going to retort back when the doorbell rung. I got up to open the door, but Nick yanked me back by my wrist causing me to stumble and fall onto the bed. I was going to yell at him but he placed his finger on my lips.

The Agent UpstairsWhere stories live. Discover now