Chapter Seven.

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We made it to the woods, "I'll race you." Drew said smirking at me.

"You're on." I said before dashing through the woods with everyone following behind me, I heard him mutter "cheater" and I just laughed to myself and dodged all the tree's and branches that were in the way, Once we made it to where Blake hosted a party, When we arrived I looked around and realized that we we're the last one's to arrive. Drew, Brooke and Blake stood behind me and I smirked at Drew letting him know I won that race, I stepped into the crowd.

Everyone made way for me to reach the front to stand by Clark and Andrew, I wonder where the bastard of a leader is. Fred was our idiotic leader, The only reason was because he was the oldest out of all of us but the dumbest. Looks like we weren't the last one to arrive then, We still had to wait for our stupid leader.

"Where the fuck is he?" I asked looking towards Andrew.

He looked around and then stared at me, "I don't know."

You're no help, Idiot.

I turned towards Clark and he sighed, "He's with a girl right now." He said, "Hooking up."

"This is seriously so messed up." Brooke said, I looked at the crowd who we're getting frustarted to why they were called to come here. I then looked towards Brooke who was already looking at me. She nodded for me to just start the meeting. 

"Okay, Everyone! Listen up!" I yelled, I caught everyone's attention and they all looked at me and stayed quiet knowing if they disobeyed me, I would kill them not caring if they we're my kind. Let's say I don't play nice when it come's to these things, "Okay. Our stupid leader is hooking up with some chick right now and can't make it."

Thank God.

"The reason I asked for this meeting was because of the hunter's" Everyone then gasped and started talking to eachother, I lifted my hand up telling them to shut up and listen.

"I was spying on them today and it seems like they are trying to out smart us. They are getting closer to finding out who we are, With stupid tracking devices and also using products in there water and food sources that won't kill us but cause us to feel pain giving them an oppurtunity to be caught faster." I looked at a guy who was chuckling.

"Do we have a problem?" I asked.

"No, Marie" I glared at him, "If you have a problem please come up here and share. I wouldn't mind." I smiled wickedly. He then gulped and shook his head "no", "I-I-I don't have anything to say" He stuttered, I kept my gaze on him until he stepped back a little terrified by the way I was looking at him.

I smirked and turned away from him and put my attention back on the crowd who stayed quiet, "As I was saying. We all have to be very careful to those we decide to kill, To be honest you will all end up dying then. The humans are getting smarter." I stopped talking for a while waiting to see what everyone's reaction is. 

"Does anyone have any suggestions to what we should do?" Brooke asked stepping in, It was a complete silent when Drew raised his hand. What is wrong with him, I knew he was going to suggest something stupid. Forgiveness sake its Drew!

I looked around to see if anyone else raised there hand, "Anyone besides him?" I asked and pointed to Drew. They all looked at each other.

I sighed, "Okay. Drew, What is your suggestion."

"We could stop eating." There goes the stupid suggestion, Wait a minute. I paused to think about it for a second, While everyone pushed him and called him an "idiot." I backed him up which is shocking to the other's because I never agree to anything Drew has to say.

"He actually has a point." I said, They all looked at me confused.

"Meri--I mean, Marie.If you haven't realized it already. Not eating means starving ourselves to death." Blake said.

"No, I mean. We could drink from blood bags for a while, Like a couple of weeks or months. That's all we have to do. We could catch the trackers off guard and confuse them to what we are doing making them back off for a bit." I said.

brooke thought about it for awhile before nodding, "She's right!" She said, "By doing that. It will give us more time to find a place to move too."

Everyone then once more looked at each other, Then they thought about it for awhile. "Actually, Something that would confuse them the most is if some of us attended school or some job, It would make us look like normal humans with normal lives" 

"That's a very stupid idea." Someone said from the back and that someone is no other then the idiot himself. Fred. The guy, I always hated ever since I've met him for the first time.  He will and always be the complete ass he was.

"Excuse me." He said as he made his way towards the front, "I think as your leader. I have a say in this and that saying is "no", We are not going to eat raw hospital bags that come from the hospital. I rather be drinking my meals fresh and clean." 

"Unless you want to be killed sooner, By all means. Go ahead, I don't think many of us would mind if you ended up dead."

"I agree with Marie!" Someone said and they all agreed.

"Who votes for Marie's idea, Raise there hands up!" Brooke yelled, Most people raised there hand and I smirked looking at Fred. He glared at me and muttered a "Fine"

"If, You get us killed then..Everyone will blame you." He said, "And only you."

I nodded, I didn't mind I'm always getting blamed for everything anyways.

"Yo." I said. They turned there attention back to me, "We all need to either find a job or attend school."

They all nodded, "Now everyone buzz off and sign up for whatever you have to do." They all agreed before everyone dispearse in there own way.


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