Chapter Ten.

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We arrived at the school and each one of us got out of the car, We stood beside each other and walked towards the entrance with everyone staring. I kept a smirk on my face not really caring about the attention that we we're getting. It was like a usual thing, I should say.

We heard people whispering asking who we were. Drew held my waist leading me to the entrance, Another thing we planned was that I had to pretend to go out with him. Well more like act like I'm taken so no one bother's me, I don't know.

We made it to the entrance entering and making our way towards the office, I nodded towards one of our members who was walking out of the office. He gave us a wink before we approached the front desk, "Hello." I said.

The secretary looked up ending the phone call, "We are new." I said. 



Ryan and I walked into the school and noticed everyone talking  about the new kids in the school. We went to our lockers and Alison walked up to us with her friend Bella. 

"Oh my gosh, Apparently there are new kids that came today." Bella exclaimed, "Like. Everyone's talking about it, there already the talk of the school and already popular." She chewed on to her gum and rolled her eyes, clearly jealous of these people. She clearly didn't want other's being more popular then her.

"Justin, its that girl from yesterday." Alison said, looking behind me. I looked at her confused before Ryan's mouth dropped open looking behind me too. Bella glared, I turned around slowly wondering what they were talking about.

My mouth dropped open seeing the girl that has been on my mind all night.

What was she doing here?

Both Ryan and I looked at each other.

She was beside that guy that I saw she was with at the party along with that other girl and guy. I didn't pay attention to the two couples that we're holding hand, I was staring at the guy that had his arms wrapped around the girl that was still nameless.

Ryan told me he knew her name but wouldn't tell me, making me think he was lying but after he told me about everything that happened yesterday. My mind completely raged with jealousy. He got to hang out with her the whole day while I was stuck with Alison.

The nameless girl saw me and smirked, They we're walking towards us. Once they approached, I thought they were going to greet us with a "hello" but she did something that was completely opposite.

"Move to the side." She said.

I was to mesmorized by her beauty that I didn't hear her, Ryan nudged memaking me snap out of it and look towards her. "Pardon?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, "I said move, Your in front of my locker" She said. I turned around and I wasn't in front of my locker anymore.

"Oh, sorry." I cleared way for her letting her have access  towards  her locker. She unlocked it and placed her stuff inside. Once she got her stuff organized, She slammed it shut making Bella jump who right beside the locker and glared at her. She smirked at Bella.

She turned to the side smiling at Ryan, "Hey Ry." She said, he gave her a smile back before greeting her. "Hey." 

Once again jealousy flowed through my body.Why won't she say hi to me?

 She was about to walk away when Bella stuck her foot out for her to trip but luckily she was fast enough to gain her balance.

She turned to Bella who now had a smirk on her face, Alison laughed and smirked along with Bella.

"Whoops" she said testing the nameless girl's anger.

"Look here" Bella said, "Your new and you do not know how things run around here. We own this school and you guys cannot just waltz in here acting like you are the shit."

The girl rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Whatever you say, your majesty"

She turned away from Bella and continued to walk away, Bella had her mouth open irritated. "Don't turn away from me, You little bitch!" She yelled but it was to late. They have already walked away from us.

Bella let out a frustrated scream, "I hate them already."

"Shut up, Bella. You're just jealous of her." Ryan defended taking the things out of his locker before closing it shut. "I'll see you guys later." He walked away the same direction the nameless girl went to. Alison grabbed my arm, "Justin."

I looked at her annoyed. "What?" I asked.

"I want to go out for lunch today."


She groaned annoyed, "can you take me out?"

"Sorry Alison, I'm busy." I untangled her arms for me before unlocking my own locker and opening it myself.

I got the stuff I needed and placed it into my bag. I realized that the nameless girl was inbetween both Ryan and I. I grinned, meaning I would be seeing her whenever classes end. she must have left some things that she might need for her classes meaning she would be coming back. I closed my locker shut just when the first period bell rang.

I left Alison and Bella without saying a "bye" and went towards my first class.

I made it to class and people were already seated at there usual spots. I sat down at the back of the class, the seat beside me was empty which I purposely did. I didn't like sitting beside people especially girls that want attention. 

I took out my binder and things that I might need.

"Hello class." Mr.Gress walked in.

I didn't bother looking up knowing that we we're just going to continue with homework he assigned.

"We have a new student today." He said catching my attention, "Her name is---" He was cut off with once again the girl that I met just two nights ago.

"Sorry, I'm late. I got lost." 

"It's okay, you must be Marie Brooks"




That was her name? It didn't really suit her but that was fine, As long as I knew her name.

Oh Marie, what have you done to me?


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