Chapter Eleven.

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I sat near the back of class, I hated getting asked questions and since "smart" people are usually acknowledge when they are at the front. I made my decision to sit back, there was an empty desk that was seated beside the window and I instantly took it.

Just get this day over with.

The teacher who I believe was named George Geese, Greese, Geez. Whatever his last name was decided to test my knowledge about the world history and decided to pick on me.

"Ms.Brooks" he called out, I groaned and put a fake smile off my face and looked up to meet his eyes. You could tell from the look in my eyes I was annoyed but nobody really reads what your eyes say they only read what your facial expressions. 

"Who is the first president of United States?"

Without even thinking about it, I already knew the answer. But knowing that people would probably think I was some smart kid, I shrugged my shoulders. Everyone snickiered.

"I can't believe she doesn't know who the first president is, that's so easy" I heard some girl whisper in the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at her, she stopped laughing when she saw me grinning towards her. She swallowed her spit and acted tough in the outside, but I could smell fear from a mile away.

"I'm sorry, but not everyone know's that George Washinton was the first president of the United States and became the first president in 1789" I said and grabbed my bag and stuff just when the bell rang through the school. I smiled towards her again before I got up from my seat and walked out of the class leavign everyone in shocked. 

"Oh, how lovely. The first day of school and your already known around the school" Brooke said as she approached my locker. I smirked and gave her a wink, I grabbed the gym clothes that I would be needing for the next class. I stuffed them in my backpack hopping its appropriate clothing, considering Brooke was the one who packed my backpack for me.

"You know me, always wanting the attention from everybody" You could hear the hint of sarcasm lingering from my voice. Blake came around the corner grinning, he wrapped his arms around Brooke and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I've been hearing, I have a hot girlfriend and best friend" he said.

Brooke giggled, "These mortals are so funny when it comes to gossip. It's like when your new to this school your like the biggest topic"

I slammed my locker shut and locked it, "Well, I rather not be in any school gossip. I rather be a quiet and shy kid in the back of the class who don't answer questions"

"After what I heard happen in your first period, it didn't seem like it"

"Well, I don't want anyone to think I'm going to let them talk some smack about me and expect me not to do anything about it" 

"Hey guys!" Drew smirked, "how's your first period, I heard som---"

"Oh my goodness! These mortals are helpless, they seriously don't know when to keep there mouth shut"  I said and crossed my arms, I took deep breaths in not wanting to loss control and end up ripping somebody's head off. Now that would be a bad reputation.

"What class do you have now?" Blake asked noticing my anger, and tried his best to change the subject. 




Blake then grin towards me, "Looks like I have gym with both of you, meaning you both are stuck with me" he said

Brooke pouted, "That isn't fair. Why wasn't I put in the same class with you guys?"

"Your the one who decided to choose art instead of doing anything physical" I snickered.

"It's not my fault, I already have a great body and don't need to show it off to other guys"

I rolled my eyes, "Lets go guys"

We walked away from Brooke and walked towards our next period, I wonder what we were going to be doing today. Hoping to take some anger out on some dodgeball, that's for sure.

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