05 - Stark

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"And so, when I left the school, my mother enrolled me in a program, she pays a lot of money for some of the best to tutor me. They sometimes terrify me, because most of them have never dealt with children," Rhodes nods picking up his cards "but, they can be very kind. Sometimes."

He placed down the first card and cleared his throat "why don't you just go back to school?"

I place my card down "because we move a lot."

Rhodes stopped nodding and smiled "okay, I'm on board. Also, I'm winning," without even looking down I place a card and watch the light die in his eyes "how?!" he whispered in frustration. I glance down and then frown. I didn't mean to make him lose again. By now, I had won almost 12 games. I felt terrible. But it was a bad habit.

My uncle taught me how to 'card count' now I do it without knowing. Which also results in my mother spending more money on replacing destroyed board games than papier toilette.

And this game resulted in Rhodey's annoyance and he gave up "please? I'll let you win next time?" I beg.

"I'm not taking your pity, Cara, have a nice day," At that moment, Mr Stark came into the room, he watched over Rhodey's shoulder "I lost. I lost a lot, Tony."

"Did she win again?"

"Yes!" he shouts "and I don't know how! We've played 12 games, and she has won every game, I cheated 8 times." I shrug my shoulders trying to keep up the smile. I felt really bad "and she still beat me."

Mr Stark stared at the cards then helped Rhodey with his storming out. I collected the cards but then Mr Stark sat down. I face him "deal me." Fine. I sit back down and started again "Be honest, did you cheat?" I shake my head. Then push some red skittles into the centre. Mr Stark picked up the candy a bit confused "you're betting sugar?"

"Rhodey ran out of money."

"Did you?"

"No, but I like sugar, so I bet a quarter pint."

Mr Stark smiled and put in just a couple "I bet this one, and this one," I laugh. And yet again, I win. It was really easy. And Mr Stark was very confused and a little bit annoyed. I collected the last bit of sugar and smiled. And he didn't move. He didn't speak. Just staring whispering under his breath.

This jet lag is really starting to annoy me. I yawn quietly and sit on the bench of the kitchen gazing out of the window. I should ask Vis if he wants to go to the city with me. A small light cast through the room, I glance over to see someone taking out some food from the fridge.  When they turned around, I thought I went deaf from the scream.

"Oh my god, you scared the--out of me!" Mr Stark gasps. He leans on the fridge panting before putting his hands on his knees mumbling a few words again under his breath.

I frowned "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to."

He waved it off and closed the fridge turning on a small light on top of the sink glancing over at me "oh, so you're the milk thief," he lets out a deep breath "what are you doing up so late? It's almost 2."

"Jet Lag, I believe." I yawn quietly again "what about you?"

"I'm working on some technology stuff," he smiled then took a seat on the chair. I pull my hair into a ponytail and he sighed "I'm sorry, this is killing me, why the white and black?" I frown my eyebrows before a loose strand of white falls in my eyes.

"Oh," I laugh quietly and then let my hair out "well, when I was 12, I watched 101 Dalmations, I really like Cruella De Vil, so when no one was home, I dyed it. And it stuck."

He was laughing into his hands staring at my hair. After a moment, he calmed down and just shrugged his shoulders "it looks great," Seriously? I finished my milk and put it in the sink beside me. It has to look great, it's stuck on my head.

"Thank you," I stretch my limbs out and then smile "have you ever..made a mistake?"

"Like that? No, no way," I roll my eyes with a small smile "I don't regret it, but I broke into NASA once on a dare."

"The website?"

"The building." Oh, my goodness. I shake my head slowly "I only got in trouble with the police, and my dad. It wasn't a bad night," it sounds very dangerous "what about your dad, what does he do?"

I shift in my spot and stare at my lap and clear my throat. My favourite topic "well, that depends on which one you are talking about, my stepfather, he works in a cubicle, sometimes he's a construction worker, I think."

"And your 'real' dad?"

I paused "I don't know," I say honestly "I'm an accident." I say quietly.

"Yeah well, dads are terrible people," he shrugged. Mr Stark stands up and sighs "Vis said you were good with technology," I nod slowly still looking down at my lap. He nodded his head down the stairs, I got up and followed to the lab.

I haven't been here yet, the very very large lab was amazing. It was a little bit of a mess but very cool. Mr Stark turned on the lights and looked around then went to the very large computer, I follow behind, tugging nervously at the end of my pyjama shirt. The Iron Man suits were underneath us through a clear glass, blueprints, holograms and lots of keyboards.

Wow. I stop next to a prototype of what looked like an accessory for Black Widow's suit. I pick up the electronic device and then pressed it against my arm. Mr Stark almost screamed again, but nothing happened. It tickled. I look up "what?"

"Where did you find that?"

"Over there?" I point down to the table beside me "why?"

He took my arm and looked at the dark black markings of electricity and then watched it disappear "aren't you—didn't that—why didn't that hurt you? Are you okay?"

"Oui, I am fine, why?" I giggle at the tingling feeling of sparks down my arms to my heart.

Again, he studied my arm "then what's that?"

"My ability," I hold out my hands "I'm-I'm a technopath, and also a cyberpath" I whisper before stretching my hands as it creates a hologram, I lift it up quickly creating a box "I can manipulate electrons, sometimes shift water, it's all with my mind, but I use my hands for more control," I whisper.

"Can you control everything electronic?"

"Also guns," I whisper awkwardly putting my hair in a bun "which isn't a dream of mine."

"You don't like guns?"

"I hate guns. I hate violence, it scares me."

He laughed at me. It's ironic. I am aware "well come and give me a hand with anyway." I got the toolbox he told me to get and went to the damaged suit. It had a lot of strange markings over it, I sat on the bench, it was really funny actually.

Sometimes he forgot I was there and was talking to his robots, he treated them like humans and when I laughed at the robot bowing its head in shame as some gross liquid came from the suit and into Mr Stark's hair. I gasp covering my mouth.

He shot up and shakes some of it off. I was about to laugh. I held it back and giggled "something funny?" I shake my head "Are you sure?" I nod. He nodded pointing a finger. The moment his back was turned I laughed into my hands falling back onto the table.

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