Day 7 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality

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My zodiac sign is Aries. 

The website in which I gathered information: 

Love/Relationships/Romance: 1. The website says that an aries woman yearns for a relationship, but is perfectly fine without someone. 

Considering I am only 13 and I don't necessarily need someone in my life, I can't exactly relate. However, I do believe I am particularly good at fantasizing having a boyfriend, or visualizing my future husband. 

2. An aries woman is very independent, and sometimes this can sometimes damage a relationship. At the same time, an aries woman doesn't want a woman chasing after her like a lost puppy. 

I can somewhat agree to this. I like to think I am independent all though I still can't really judge myself in that way. I also don't know if I don't like a man chasing after me, although just writing about it does not sound very appealing.

3. I am not quite sure what category this falls under, but the website says, "She can play the role of a female perfectly and, at the same time, can do everything that a man can do."

I agree with this. I like to say that I am both girly-girl and tomboy-ish. 

4. It basically says that there is a delicate scale between flattering her too much, or being too detatched. 

Compliments are nice, but I don't think I want to be constantly praised. Also, I can usually tell if someone really likes me or not / if someone is drifting away from me.

Author's Note:

I think I am just going to leave it at that. I have to go to bed soon anyway. I think Aries matches my personality for the most part :D

Tell me in the comments what your sign/birthday is  :+)


-Hannah <3

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