Chapter 10

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I've been waiting to hear him say those words for so long. Deep down inside, I was sad and happy to hear those words, but I my heart tells me something different. "Don't turn back just keep walking", I kept telling myself.

I took a couple of step then, Jin's hand came across my shoulders around my neck. "Please, please just think about it", he begged, "Help me".

I slowly turned my head to see the side of his face, but without a word spoken, I too wanted to say yes, but I couldn't say anything. The touch of Jin's arm wrapped around me, the warmth of his chest to his breath touching my ears as he spoke softly, I didn't have the courage to say yes.

At that time, I looked around me, with nobody around just the two of us, I turned to see his handsome face, " know sometime a person have to suffer to be stronger", I smiled, "Do you under-"

Before I could finished my sentence, he leaned forward, grabbed my waist toward him and out lips touched. This time I didn't force him off, I lean closer, reached my hand and wrapped it around his neck. He held me tighter as we entwine together.

"You don't know how long I've waited", he whispered, "I try to hold myself, I try to hate you, but the more I try to hate you the more I can't forget you. Eun-Jung what have you done to me", he smiled softly.

I smiled back without saying a word. At this moment, all I want to do is stare into his eyes, stare at his nose to his lips, it was as I was cast in a spell of his. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. To be honest he was my first love. My first crushed for so long.

I slowly released his, but he held on to my waist. I tap his arm, "Let go", I said.

He shook his head 'no', once again I tapped his arm, "Let go, I'm already late to work", I repeat.

Jin released, but then, pulled me closer and held on again, with his smile he spoke, "Come work with me instead. Quit your job and come work with me".

"No", I said and pushed him away. He reached out his hand trying to grab me, but missed as I turned. "Not going to work for me", I smiled. I ran toward the bus stop as he tried to catch up, I wave bye to him. I got on the bus, waved goodby once again, he waved back with a bright smile.

  As I work at the fried chicken restaurant wasn't as bad as I expected. Customers always smile and never gave me a hard time. "Eun-Jung, you do such a wonderful job", my boss said to me. My boss is an old granny with her husband who had own this restaurant for years now and all their children left them for a higher job opportunity, they where the only one left. At first I didn't want to work here, but as I remember the good old time I had here, I decided to get the job, even though I don't get paid much.

"Thank you", I respond, "But its not me who is doing the good job here. Its your delicious chicken that makes customers come back every time,halmeoni", I smiled.

She pat me on the shoulder, " Eun-Jung do you have a boyfriend yet", she laughed.

"N-no", I respond as I shook my hand and smiled, but then at that moment Jin walked in.

"Halmeoni, I'm her boyfriend", he smiled as he enter the restaurant.

I turned to look at him, "What are you doing here?", I asked.

"I came to see you", he smiled.

I hit him on the shoulder, "Leave".

"Why? I'm hungry too. I haven't ate breakfast yet", he said as he sat down.

I ran after him, "You don't  even like fry chicken. You don't eat greasy of fatty food", I said as I smiled.

"How do you know I don't like them", he said.

"Halmeoni, can I get half and half please", Jin smile as he order.

My boss left to the kitchen, I tried to follow her, but then Jin grabbed my wrist pulled me close to him, "I called you but you didn't answer me", he said.

"My phone is broken from falling in the water, remember. Beside I haven't have the time to repair it", I reply, "Let go, I'm working".

My boss and I both carried out the food to Jin. She sat down across from Jin, "Son, sorry but what is you name", she asked.

"Ah, my name is SeokJin, Kim SeokJin", he replied.

"How did you and Eun-Jung know each other", she smiled as she kept asking question, "As long as I remember Eun-Jung never had a boyfriend before. Even in high school, I asked her before since its been such a long time since I saw her".

"Ah, its a log story but to make it short. We were good friend when we were younger, so after meet her again, we decided to be in a relationship", he answered politely.

"Halmeoni, we're not in any kind of relationship", I interrupt.

"Eun-Jung you don't have to be shy about it", she laugh, "Go ahead and enjoy your meal", she said as she left back to the kitchen.

I quickly ran and sat in the chair my boss was sitting, "Why would you say that her", I whispered.

He kept eating the chicken, "Woah, this is delicious. I haven't had fry chicken for awhile. I almost forgot the taste", he smiled at me, "Here eat some with me".

"No need. Jin answer me, why did you say we were in a relationship?", I asked again.

He stopped eating, "Because we are", he answered and continue to eat.

"I never said we were", I squeak.

"Oh, by the way I had your stuff moved to my place already", he said, "Thanks for the lunch", he the table. 

"What?", I squeak again as I got up and followed him. After he paid he walked out, I followed him out, "Jin wait", I yelled.

He stopped and turned around, "Yes?"

"What did you say? My stuff are going to be at your place. Why?", I asked, "No I won't allow it", I demand.

He lean toward, close enough to my face that I could feel his energy. We stare eye to eye, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9,10", he counted, "There, you accepted it", he smiled.

I shook my head, "Wait accept what, I didn't say anything yet", I ran and stopped in front of him.

"I gave you ten second to say no, but you didn't, so it mean you agree to come and stay at my place", he smiled.

"What? Wait-", I questioned.

Jin quickly kiss my lips, just quick enough for me to react. I looked up at him, "I'll pick you up later okay", he said and ran off.

"Wait", I yelled, "I wasn't...I wasn't even finished yet", I lower my voice as I touched my lips.

Author's Note:
-How's my fellow readers doing? I hope everyone is happy and having fun with their love ones. Happy Valentine to everyone. By the ways, did any of you watch the MV of "Spring Day"-BTS. I have to say it was sad yet beautiful. If you did watch it, comment down below you thoughts of BTS new mv, I would really like to know.

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