Chapter19-There's two?!

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"Ha! I win again!! In yo face sucker!" I yelled at Logan.

"You cheated!!" He complained. Boys always just want to win. They also hate it when a girl beats them.

Okay I cheated, but I'm not letting girl power go down.

"No I didn't! I clearly won fair and square. You can see it on the screen, it says it all." We were playing Mortal Combat, one of the many video games that Logan has.

"You're such a fucking liar! You pushed me and distracted me!" He complained.

"So?!-wait, how did I distract you? All I did was push you." I asked.

"You distracted me by..." He paused. After a minute of him pausing, I decided to ask again.

"I distracted you by what?" A deep, red blush crawled up his neck to his cheeks. He's blushing!!! How adorable.

"Never mind..." He muttered. Oh hell no.

"No, now you tell me." I demanded. His blush deepened. We stated at each other until finally he broke.

"Okay fine! You were jumping around like a maniac and shaking your pretty little ass!! That's really fucking distracting to me!" He realized what he just said and covered his mouth. My mouth, on the other hand, was wide opened and if I wasn't mistaken, my eyes held humor.

My ass distracted him? He's never going to hear the end of this.

"So what you're saying is that I have a cute butt?? Cause if you are, I will not disagree with you-" He cut me off before I could flatter myself any longer.

"Yes!!! You have a cute butt! It's nice and firm and..and oh my god, did I just say all that?!" He put his face in his hands. I couldn't -wouldn't- stop smiling. He's so adorable. And he complimented my butt.

"It's okay to say I have a nice butt. I'm not complaining. I can actually agree, I mean I don't do 50 squats everyday for nothing." He looked at me shocked. Is it that hard to believe that I'm capable of exercise? I guess it is.

"You do 50 squats?! No wonder your butt is so firm!!" I smiled at that. Haha, oh yes, I have a firm butt. I should be more disturbed with this conversation but frankly, I'm not.

"Yep I do." I simply said.

"Wow, I never thought that-"

"Well, well, well. Isn't this conversation awkward." I spun around, startled.

"What the shit?!" I said, mostly to myself but not entirely. There stood Logan, how did he get there?

I turned back towards the couch, where Logan last was, but he was still there. Erm...

"Ryder?" Logan said to Logan...or Ryder. Oh my freaking god! What the hell is going on?!

"Hello Logan. Long time no see." So is Ryder, like, Logan's twin?? Or is he just a robot replica of Logan? Oh my god, it's Logan's clone.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Logan's voice was demanding. Ryder didn't seem to notice, or care.

"I decided its been too long. So I came to visit you." Ryder smiled. "Guess I got to meet your little girlfriend. She's a hot one, good job Logan. Although I must admit, I never though you'd ever settle down with...well anyone." The smile on his face never left, in fact, it grew.

"Don't talk about her. Don't eve look at her." Logan's face was serious and pretty much deadly.

"But why, Logan? She's lovely. I can see why you would like her." He looked at me and winked. I scrunched up my face in disgust. He may as hot as Logan, but he's repulsing.

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