Chapter21-Control Your Dog

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I may be what people consider a badass who would never get scared, but they got me wrong. I'm about ready to shit my pants right now, with Ryan and his big ass dog in front of me.

"What? Does the cat got your tongue?" He asked with the coldest smirk I've ever seen. There was literally nothing but a smirk and eyes that held anger. Lots of anger.

"I...I...what do you want?" Really? That's all I could say?! I'm so dead meat.

"It's more about what I don't want." He said coldly. "I don't want you to be here, in this town. Your mother wants you, and she won't stop looking for you. It's best for all of us if you just leave here for good." He said. He sounds so calm yet pissed, I have no idea how he does it.

"I can't do that. This town is suppose to be a new, fresh start for me. It's going pretty well," I paused remembering the argument with Logan. "It was anyways. Look, just leave me alone, I don't care about you or Lucy."

"That's not enough, cutie." He said. The word cutie stuck out to me. That's Logan's nickname for me.

"Don't call me that." I stated, feeling my anger rise up. Turns out all it takes to get my anger up is mentioning even the littlest thing that'll piss me off.

"Why? Aren't you cute enough to be called a cutie?" He questioned teasingly. This bitch....

"She's cute enough, all right. But only I get to call her that." I spun around at the sound of Logan's voice. There he stood, looking as sexy as ever.

A smile crept its way onto my face and I ran towards Logan's open arms. "Thanks for coming." I whispered into his ear.

"My pleasure." He responded. "Is this the asshole who hurt you?" He whispered back. I realized that if I say yes, Logan will beat the hell out of Ryan. But Ryan has a dog with him for protection.

"" I said awkwardly.

"You're lying." He stated. I nodded and got ready to hold Logan back. "So, asshole, what the hell do you want?"

"Nothing that concerns you." Was Ryan's response. I rolled my eyes, such a dumb reply.

"It concerns Jackie, so now I'm concerned." Logan said, sounding like it was all obvious.

Ryan ignored Logan and looked at me and said, "Do as I say, or it could get bad." Is that a threat?

Right before Ryan had the chance to turn around and walk away, Logan launched at him, punching him right on the jaw. I felt my heart pound harder as I saw the dog going towards Logan. Crap, what do I do?!

"FUCK!" Logan yelled as the dog managed to bite his leg. I looked around and saw a broken branch from a tree. Perfect! I ran to it, picked it up and ran back towards the dog.

I lifted the branch towards the dog, causing him to back up. I didn't have it in me to hit the dog, so I swung the branch and hit Ryan straight on the face. Ryan fell backwards, cupping his face with his hands. I started to see the blood streaming down his face. Ouch.

From the corner of my eye I saw the dog launch itself at me. I let out a scream, closed my eyes, and covered myself with my hands. I didn't feel any sort of impact, but I heard a whistle.

I opened my eyes and uncovered myself. Looking around, I spotted...Ryder? Yep that's Ryder.

The dog ran at him and I was ready to scream for his life, asshole or not. When I saw the dog licking his face while wagging its tail, I was very surprised.

"Hey Spike! No attacking the pretty girl or the annoying boy." Ryder said to the dog, Spike.

"Ryder??" I questioned. My eyes widened when I heard Logan's groan. I ran towards him an knelt down next to him. "Oh my god!! That's blood!" I squeaked out.

"I know that!!! Can you help me?!" He practically yelled at me. I lifted my hands up in surrender and got my phone out. "What are you doing?!"

"Calling an ambulance. Or do you wanna bleed out?" I said while glaring at him. I was still hurt about what he said earlier.

While the phone rang, I started to hear a siren.

"Looks like you can hang up, help is on it's way." It was Ryder who said that. I looked behind me to see him helping Ryan.

"Leave that idiot there! He can rot in hell, which is what he deserves." I said angrily. It's his fault Logan is injured.

"Shut up." Said Ryder. I glared at him now.

"What? So you're defending him now? That idiot almost got your brother and me killed!" I argued. It's true, he beat me up last time I saw him.

"I said shut up!" He yelled at me.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Logan defended me, sounding out of breath. I looked at him and held him close to me. The lights of the ambulance and police cars started to come closer.

"Or what? She fucking hit Ryan in the face with a branch!! I should have let Spike eat her." He yelled back. My eyes widened. Is he serious?!

"I think you need to shut the hell up now!" I said, angry and glared at him.

"Fuck you!" He yelled again. I felt more anger rise up in me. Help me someone because I'm going to kill this idiotic boy.

I got up from where I knelt and got ready to launch at Ryder. Before I could, Spike got in front of me, growling. I sigh and got back down. Stupid dog.

"Calm down, cutie. He's just an asshole." Logan said to me while holding my hand to his face.

"How does he even know Ryan?" I asked, still angered.

"Yeah, I forgot to mention this when I saw his face, but Ryan use to be our PE teacher." Logan said awkwardly. I glared at him. Big thing not to mention.

The police got here along with an ambulance. Thank god!

"ALL OF YOU, HANDS UP!!" A blonde police man with blue eyes yelled as he got out of his car while pointing a gun at all of us. The rest of the police men did the same. There were 4 police cars and 2 ambulances.

"Finally, my leg hurts like shit." I almost laughed at Logan's comment.

The same blonde police man approached us.

"What's the problem here?" He asked, once he was close enough.

"What's going on is that we need medical help!" I said, frustrated that Logan hasn't gotten any help for his leg.

"Watch how you talk to me." He said. "How did he get hurt?" He asked motioning to Logan.

"You see that man over there? The one knocked out? Yeah, his dog attacked my boyfriend." I said, all while glaring at Ryan.

"Why did the dog attack?" He asked. I groaned. Is Logan going to get help, or what the hell?

"My boyfriend punched that bastard over there! That's why!" I just made it sound like Logan's the bad guy, didn't I?

"So in other words, the dog defended his owner?" The police man asked.

"No! The owner started it!!!" I practically yelled.

"How so?" Fucking shit.

"This guy needs help! Stop asking questions." I said angrily.

"Answer me." uuuughhh!

"He was threatening me! Now can we get him help?" I asked motioning to Logan, who was bleeding buckets.

"Fine." I sigh in relief.


Just a quick update for you guys! I promise the next chapter will be longer!

A lot of you guessed that the title for the spin off of The Coke Project is going to be The Pepsi Project. Well I wasn't going to call it that, but it's convincing so I think I will!

I will not say yet what the Spin off is going to be about though, or who it's going to be about! That's a surprise.

~Lesley Perez

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