Chapter 26- I love you too

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Something really strange has happened to me today...Amy and Cece both came up to me with presents. I thought it must have been some set up, probably something was going to pop out of the shoe boxes and scare me or possibly injure me, but that wasn't the case. I made the two of them open the boxes, afraid for my life, and inside there was a necklace from Cece and a bracelet from Amy, each wrapped around a cute little bear. The bear Cece gave me was a panda bear, and the one Amy gave me was a polar bear.

They both told me that a week after the camping trip, they got together and started talking about the people they hate, my name was mentioned the most (nice start to a nice story). After talking plenty of shit about me, they began to talk about the good things I had done, they didn't fail to mention they were a little drunk. Soon they started crying about how much of bad people they were and decided to call truce with me.

Don't get me wrong, Cece is still torturing everyone with her bitchy attitude and Amy is going back to her old self, just a little bit more sassy about everything. Things are going back to how they use to be, except now Logan is my dear boyfriend instead of my arrogant enemy and Cece isn't a bitch to me anymore, she's still rude, just not a full on bitch.

Lets talk Logan, shall we? Yes, he's still arrogant, hot, sweet. No, I don't live at his house anymore, we rented another apartment after he found out just how rich I was. We made a deal, I pay the bills and he pays for the food and cooks it.

You're probably thinking; "Aren't you guys moving too fast?" My answer is yes, we most likely are, normal people don't do this, but we aren't normal people. I think we're responsible enough, Logan didn't exactly grow up with much of parents, I've been living by myself for a while, we've been through a lot to be together, I think we're ready. Plus, we're about to graduate!!

"It's been a great year, I met someone who I detested, and now I'm ready to spend every second with her. The irony of the world is...ironic. You think one thing is going to happen and then suddenly it all turns out quite the opposite way." Now he was just giving the definition of the word ironic! He's not very good at public speaking, I could tell. "Anyway, irony has been the main thing in my life this year, for example, I was probably the last person who would pass at this high school when the year began, and now I was chosen to do this speech thingy that I'm doing to represent the seniors of this year! Not to mention I'm literally, completely, and utterly in love with one person I swore I would never even like." At this, Logan sent me an obvious wink, but I paid no mind to it because I was to focused on the I love you he just gave me. He kept on going with his speech, but I could hear nothing, just those three words.

I love you.

I'm going to murder him when he's done with that speech. I am so going to kill him. He won't even see it coming.

"So thank you everyone for the amazing school year, especially to Jackie. I know I should probably apologize to everyone because most of you are scared to death of me but to be honest I don't apologize to anyone," He apologizes to me, I thought, "But ya'll aren't as bad as I made you seem. Thank you everyone for your time and I hope you all can have a nice life and not become homeless or something. See you never!" And with that said, he hopped off the stage like he owned the world and walked over to the empty seat next to me, a smirk plastered on his lips.

That smirk soon vanished when he noticed my deadly stare.

"What did I do now?" He asked, slowly sitting down.

"You are stupid." Was all I said.

"The hell did I do this time?! I literally just confessed my love for you and you're getting pissed at me! What the fuck is up with that!?" He sounded truly confused, like he expected me to swoon over his charming words, like some regular teenage girl.

I thought he knew by now that I'm not a regular teenage girl.

"Logan, as wonderful as it is that now I have a story to tell to my future children about my love life as a teenager, you should know by now that I'm not that easy to impress and your confession was totally a surprise but a little cheesy." He looked a bit offended by my choice of words but he's signature smirk returned.

"So what you're trying to tell me, Jacky, is that we are gonna have children?" I'm pretty sure my face is red now. Like super red.

"I never said that so shut your big mouth!" I exclaimed, my face still burning.

"I'm pretty sure you did..." He trailed off, that annoying (and very sexy) smirk still being shoved in my face.

"I will rip your balls off if that smirk isn't gone in the next two seconds." Lets just say that smirk disappeared in less than a second. Haha...I'm in control.

"You know, after confessing my love to you, I expected a big kiss not a big threat."

"A threat which you should never doubt." He gulped at this.

"Never said I did." Now he looked nervous, I just don't think it was because of my threat.


I just realized how dumb I am. I'm making him wait! I'm such a bitch, oh my gosh.

"I'm sorry!!! Baby, I am so sorry! I LOVE YOU TOO!" I threw myself at him, my arms wrapped around his neck, my legs around his waist. We almost fell backwards, but Logan managed to get us steady and put his arms around me.

We both started laughing.

"You kept me waiting long enough, cutie." You could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm sorry....You should know I'm a hopeless idiot who doesn't get a clue about anything." I stated, hugging him a little more right.

"Yeah, I know." He laughed and I made sure my punch was hard enough that he almost dropped me.

"You are a danger to me."

"But you still love me." I smiled.

"True that." Then he kissed me, and I felt like I was on top of the world. All my problems were gone. My biological parents didn't exist any longer, and my real parents were deep in my heart, a bunch of good memories engraved in my mind. All the drama I've been through dissolved away.

I felt happy and for the first time, I accepted who I am. There's only one person in this world that I can thank for that, and that's Logan. I could possibly also thank Mr. Henry since he was the one who made The Coke Project possible, and without it I would never have gotten to where I am with Logan.


One more chapter left after this!!! I thought I'd never finish writing this story but in the end I will always go back to it.

I will be going back to fix mistakes and make it better so yes...

And a new book or possibly books are soon to come so expect those !

I love you all <3 have a wonderful day


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