Chapter13-Aw my camping partner!

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Merp. I'm going camping today...with Logan....and I'm sleeping in the same tent as him....I don't know what happened to the world.

"Jackie! Help me!" Logan ran into the room and slammed the door shut, locking it in the process.

"Dude, what are you doing?" I questioned.

"Elia and the double J's are trying to kill me for taking you away on the camping trip! As if it's my fault!!" I smirked. Gotta love those kids.

"Wait, did you say double J's?" He nodded.

"Jack and Jason both start with J's and there's two of them..." That's a pretty cool nickname for them I guess. Those two are like Thing One and Thing Two.

"Well...I can't get in between family issues, Logan. You'll have to save yourself from this one." He glared and I smirked. I notice Logan and I have this thing were one of us glares while the other smirks. Usually I smirk..I think...

"YOU CAN'T HAVE HER! SHE'S MINE!" Yelled, I'm assuming, Jason.

"NUH UH! SHE'S MINE!" Yelled, again I'm assuming, Jack.

"YOU AWE ALL WUONG! SHE MINE!" This time it was Elia for sure. Who could mistake her adorable voice and her constant wording mistakes?

"How do my siblings love you more than they love me? It's not fair. Since when are you the likable one?" I think he was talking to himself now more than me.

I answered anyway. "I've been the more likable one since forever, so deal with it."

"Don't be cocky dumb shit." My smirk never faded, not even with his rude comment.

"Whatever, are you ready for the camping trip!? It's gonna be so fun! Except you're gonna be there..." Again, I smirked and he glared.

"Fuck you."

"Eww, no."


"Hello class!" Mr. Henry said in a gay like way. Now I have no problem with gay people, I actually wish most of them were my friends, but Mr. Henry didn't sound right talking like that.

A chorus of 'Heys'" came from my classmates.

"Who's excited for this camping trip? I know I am!" Well considering he spent a lot of his money on this trip, he should be excited.

"I think we're all excited-can we leave now?" I asked, not raising my hand.

"Okay rude little Jackie, we will leave in a little. First I have a couple of things to say before we're headed for our adventure." I groan out loud.

"Lets just leave! You can talk in the bus!" Do you see how outspoken I am? Most people would probably call me a bitch, but I'm simply one to speak her mind.

"I'll make it quick Jackie. First, your seats are organized. You will seat with your project partner. Second, the bus will drop us off at a certain place but we will have to hike 5 miles to get to the camping spot. Before you start complaining, the camping spot has a river!" Yes! Water!!! "Alright, now get on that bus and sit with your partner!" Next thing I know a bunch of kids are shoving each other to get on the bus.

"Yo Logan, you don't mind my legs on your lap right? Cause my feet are gonna rest on your lap the whole ride." I say evilly. Yes, I will use him as my comfort object..or person.

"Actually, I do mind-"

"Too bad, so sad." I cut in. I start walking inside the bus, ready to remove someone who's sitting on the sit I want. We all know that's the very back seat.

I look down the little bus hallway and spot no other than Nancy and Daniel on the backseat with Amy and some blond girl(I think her name is Mitchell). The back seat is big enough for four people while the rest are only for two.

I want the whole backseat for myself. Sadly I have to share with Logan. And a seat for four should be big enough for Logan and I. At least for a little.

"Hello there my ex-friends!" I greet as I walk up to them.

"What do you want?" Amy spat. Nancy and Daniel just looked scared and upset. I'm starting to think they aren't so mad at me anymore but don't want to upset Amy.

"I want this seat." I state with no shame. They shun me once, it won't happen again. That's a promise.

"Jackie, we can find a seat somewhere else." Logan's voice comes from behind me. Since when is he such a peace maker? He could scare anyone away, yet now he chooses to be nice?

"I thought you liked sitting in the back?" I questioned.

"I do..but I don't feel like starting a fight so early and right before our trip." It is pretty early. It's 6:30 or so and I usually wake up at 7 in school days and around 10 on weekends.

You can see I love sleep.

"Doesn't matter. I want the backseat, so I get it." I say with confidence. I really wanted the back seat but I feel like now it's just for revenge against Amy. Oddly enough, I'm not mad at Nancy and Daniel. They seem to regret being mean to me.

Like they should.

"Jackie, just walk away. No one wants you here anyway. Ever since you came to this school everything is more dramatic than it should be." Amy inputs her thoughts.

I guess I can make things more dramatic than they need to be but that means nothin to me. Without drama there is no fun in life.

Most people want peace in the world, but do they ever think about how life would be boring? I think about it a lot.

"Amy stop acting like you're a princess and move." I sound like a royal bitch, I know.

"I'm acting like a princess? Jackie you're the one who wants everything given to you and you don't care about anyone else, as long as you're happy! So don't say I'm acting like a princess." Ouch. It hurts cause it's true.

"You're right. But that's just who I am and if you don't like it well too bad, go cry a river." I glared at her with pure hate. "Nice seeing you Nancy and Daniel." I'll be peaceful like Logan just for today.

Logan and I walked up all the way to the front-since there's only one pair if seats left.

"It was nice of you to just leave instead of knocking her off the seat, which by the way, I was sure you were gonna do." I giggle at Logan.

"So much for a scene, huh?" He smiles and shakes his head. Once you get to know Logan, he isn't all that bad.

But our egos still don't fit together.

I sat on the window seat while Logan sat to my right. Our bags had been placed at the side of the bus, inside the 'trunk'. You know how cars have the truck at the back? Well buses wanted to be original and put theirs on the right side of the bus.

*20 minutes later*

"Don't start again." I poked the cheek again.

"Seriously, stop it. This is getting old." I poked the squishy cheek even harder, leaving a nail mark.

"Jackie, I'm warning you, stop that right now." Another poke.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! LEAVE MY CHEEKS ALONE! THEY'RE MINE!" My eyes widened and my mouth falls open with a slight smile. Logan just got overprotective over his cheeks. I never thought I'd see this coming.

"Woah! I wasn't gonna rape your cheeks!" I exclaimed, giggling at the end.

"Yeah? Well you're pretty damn close!" He glares. I laugh than quickly glare at my fellow classmates who decided to stare at me and Logan.

People these days, so nosey.

"Are you done poking me?" I smile inwardly.

"For now I am." He glares and I smile. Ha! See! I told you one smirks/smiles and the other glares!

The rest of the bus ride went with me bothering Logan. I even put my feet up on his legs like I said I would.

Finally after 3 hours the bus came to a stop.

"Are we here?!" I questioned, my butt numbed from sitting the whole ride. I didn't even know we weren't going to have a potty stop! I swear I'm so close to shitting my pants right now.

"Yes Jackie, but before we get off I want to say-"

"NO ONE CARES! I GOTTA POTTY!" I yell, cutting Mr. Henry off and pushing him in the process of getting out of the bus. "FREE THE PEE!" With that said, I ran to the woods.

Once I found a spot to pee in, and once I peed, I started to freak out. I didn't bring toilet paper. I really just didn't. Now I'm going to smell like pee.

Crap, what do I do, what do I do?! I looked around, trying to find something to wipe myself with. Everything around me was either green or brown.

I spotted a bush with long, green, leafs. That should be good enough. I stretched out my arm and took a couple of leafs.

(*private part..known as Jackie wiping herself..*)

"What took you so long, mmhm?" Questioned Logan as I walked out of the woods.

"Nothing...I just like to enjoy my pee time." I stated, not looking into anyone's eyes. This is so awkward.

"Or you had to shit." I glared at him. Everyone was laughing at Logan's comment. I turned to everyone and glared, causing them to shut up, except for Amy and Logan. I swear I'm about to slap some bitches, those bitches being Logan and Amy.

"You both better shut up or I swear you're gonna regret being born." I practically growl at them. Logan smirks and chuckles one more time before stopping but Amy just keeps laughing.

"Amy, stop." This time Nancy speaks up. I think she's worried I might kill Amy. Which at the pace we're going, I will kill her.

"No! Why should I? Because Jackie is being embarrassed? She embarrasses enough people so what's wrong with doing it to her?" Would it be wrong to punch her? Yes, it probably will be.

Logan glared at her and spoke. "Amy leave her alone." I gotta say, she looked scared.

Oh yeah! Everyone at my school is scared of Logan! I forgot since he's all nice to me now in a way.

"O..Okay." She turned away, blushing. Wait, does she have a crush on him?! Oh my god she probably does!

I felt a rush of jealousy hit me and I got confused. Why am I jealous? Logan is just..Logan to me.

"Anyway..class, we will be walking the rest of the way, aka 5 miles. Grab your bags and we'll be on our way." Everyone headed to the bus and searched for their bags.

"Would you like me to get yours m' lady?" Logan asked in a horrible British accent (Is that how you spell it..?).

"Oh I mustn't let you! But I will just for your pleasure." He rolled his eyes at me but still went to get my bags. He was probably expecting me to say 'No it's okay, I'll get them.' Little did he know that was never gonna happen.

Logan walked back to me with my three bags-one with the tent things, one with food and the other with clothes.

"Here." Logan stretched out his arm with my bags. I stared at the bags, than at his face, than at the bags again.

"What?" I questioned.

"They're your carry them." Ooooooh! Thats what he wants.

"I'm okay. I'm sure you're strong enough to carry them yourself." I say with no emotion.

"Hell no, I already gotta carry my bags.Take yours or I'll leave them here." Did he just threatened me?

"Lets make a deal, I carry all the bags and you give me a piggy back ride!" I exclaimed happily.

"That's even worse!" He half yells.

"So?" He glares but gives me all the bags. I smile to myself and hop on his back with all the bags.

"Crap.." Logan stumbled a bit forward but regained his balance.

"Yay! All you suckers get to walk!" I say and giggle at the end.

This is gonna be a fun trip!

"Dammit Jackie, lay off the junk food you hippopotamus." Logan breaths out.

"Thanks Logan, that's what every girl wants to hear."


I wanted to make this chapter the whole camping trip but thought that I would make you wait.

I know I'm mean.

Anywho a lot of you gave me great ideas for the camping trip and I'm just so excited to use them!!!

I'll shout those people out in the next chapter-where the camping trip will be ;)

I don't know if it will take me longer to get the camping trip chapter up or what but I'll try to make it quick but not too quick so it doesn't seem like I rushed through the chapter.
Shoutout to @trrripletrrrouble and her book 'Heart Attack' I love the description by the way.
I hope to do more shoutout a but there are a lot of books that have been requested!

~Isy ^_^

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