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But as Featherstar turned to leave, signalling with his tail for his cats to follow, Pondstar growled, "Wait." Featherstar stopped and turned, gazing coldly at the she-cat.

Pondstar looked around her. "Foxpaw, Daisyfur, Sharpclaw: escort Featherstar and his cats to the border and see to it that they leave. "Yes, Pondstar." The cats replied. As promised, the Treeclan cats were escorted back to the border. but as they reached a marshy area of Waterclan territory, Gingerpaw felt a searing pain in her forepaw.

She gave a shriek of pain and surprise. Willowfur started back towards the apprentice but Foxpaw leaped into her way. "You go back with the others." he snarled. "I'll help the apprentice."

Willowfur hesitated then turned and padded after Featherstar and the others, who continued moving.

"Gingerpaw," Foxpaw mewed. "Sit. I'll look at your paw."

She did, and raised her pad for Foxpaw's inspection. He gave a grunt of sympathy. "You trod on a reed." he told her. "There's a splinter. I'll get it out."

He tilted his head towards her paw and she felt his teeth close of the splinter. She held back a cry of pain as he yanked it out.

Adrenaline was shooting through her at how close he was. She could feel his warm breath ruffling the fur on her chest. "Gingerpaw." He whispered again.

It broke her heart. "I can't... We can't..."

But Foxpaw was already speaking to her. "Meet me at Fourstones in two moonrises."

Gingerpaw blinked. "No," she murmured. "I can't meet you."

"Please, Gingerpaw!" He meowed desperately. He gazed at her with round eyes as he whispered. "At least... give me a chance."

Featherstar called her name. Gingerpaw gave the apprentice a last look. "I don't know!" she wailed quietly. Then she dashed through the trees, careful to step around the reeds, with Foxpaw bringing up the rear as Pondstar had ordered.

"Where you hurt?" Featherstar asked as Gingerpaw caught up.

"Only a bit. I had a reed splinter in my pad." Featherstar nodded and they continued in silence.

GingerpawWhere stories live. Discover now