2) I Think I...Love You, Nii-San

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Rin walked in the door of his room and collapsed on the floor exhausted. Him and Yukio just got back from a mission to investigate people making mutated demons and no surprise, they were attacked. Using a sword that posses Satan's power took all Rin's energy. He sighed dramatically with his face in the floor.

"Though" he murmured to himself. 'Yukio did look kinda hot surrounded in those flames' Rin smiled at the thought. Ever since awakening his demonic powers, when Rin would release his sword Yukio would also take a demon like form with long pointed ears, sharp teeth and most obvious, magnificent blue flames rising from his skin. "Wait..." Rin cut himself off "Did I really just say that?!"

"Say what Nii-san?" Yukio replied to his comment.

"Uh nothing!" Rin quickly replied letting his face fall into the hard floor ground again.

"By the way nii-san" Yukio sat down by Rin on the floor "Sheimi wants you to choose what song to sing at the concert" he poked Rin's cheek.

"Kay" Rin replied to the floor

"Come on nii-san, get up Sheimi is going to come over so we can help her plan. And..." Yukio flashed an evil grin "I did assign homework" (>:3)

"Sohmshf" Rin replied, muffled by the ground.

Yukio gave up and went to wait for Sheimi. Rin continued to snooze on the floor confused by his thoughts. 'Why did I say Yukio was hot?!' he asked himself. 'That just...weird' a twitch caused him to smack the floor. Yukio did mean more to him than anyone else, not just in a metaphorical way. No one could replace his spot in Rin's heart. Even when they were little when Yukio was upset Rin did anything to raise his spirits, and the way Yukio spent years becoming an exorcist all to protect him. His arrogant big brother, he bandaged his wounds for years and always greeted him with a smile. When they had cardboard swords and fought Father Fujimoto Yukio always congratulated Rin on the wonderful performance. Rin smiled o the floor at such sweet memories.

Kuro jumped on his back with his claws out.

"GAH!" he squealed like a girl.

"Oh sorry Rin-kun! I didn't see you!" Kuro apologized telepathically.

"Rin!!" Sheimi skidded in "Are you o- WAHHH!" she frantically waved her arms as she came crashing down onto the floor, tripping over Rin and Kuro. Sheimi landed face first over Rin, her legs were tangled in the straps of his sword bag and her tiny face in the hardwood floor. Sheimi's large breasts choked Rin and Kuro was squished in between both Rin and Sheimi.

Yukio ran in after and stopped at the doorway stunned at the sight. He snorted trying not to laugh. Sheimi and Rin murmured random noises into the ground. 'Awe he's so cute when he's choking' Yukio internally giggled. He helped Sheimi up, her face was red from hitting the floor and blushing so hard.

"Thanks Yuki-chan" her blush became deeper.

"Now do you regret not getting up nii-san?" Yukio smiled smugly at Rin.

"Yeah yeah, just help me up" Rin sighed. Yukio reached down and grabbed his hand and pulled him up from the ground. Rin jumped up, happy to be off the floor. Their faces were only inches apart, Yukio hid his face from Rin seeing his blush.

**Later... (They just planned stuff I didn't feel like writing it you'll see it later)**

Yukio read the run down of what they had accomplished in an hour "So basically, we have the concert in the auditorium, tickets are three dollars, uhmmm we have the performers...that's about it..." he read down the clip board.

"What should we do for advertising? I want lots of people to hear Rin-kun sing!" Sheimi slightly blushed.

"Can any of us draw?" Yukio continued to scratch notes down on his clipboard. For the past hour Yukio kept avoiding Rin's gaze, seeing his amazing blue eyes made him blush. 'Why do I keep feeling so awkward?' he had asked himself repeatedly only getting more awkward each time he thought of why he had called Rin 'cute' when he was being choked.

Don't Leave Me, Please? [Ao No Exorcist Fanfic] (RinxYukio)Where stories live. Discover now