6) Cage of Illusions Part 2

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Yukio repeated himself "I said shut up!" the shadow frowned and replied with a small 'hmmmm~' Yukio pointed the sword at the 'floor' and growled "I. Said. Shut. The. Fuck. Up" he sounded more like an animal than a human.

"Make me"

-Chapter 6 Start-

Yukio growled. Not just a pissed of growl, it was low, hate filled, and demonic. He wanted that thing dead. Be it a shadow, illusion, demon, or actually insane him. No matter what it was. It hurt him and it hurt Rin.

As annoying as his big brother can be seeing him hurt just crushed him.

"I won't hesitate to hurt you with all the power I have" Yukio adapted a sadistic smile as he lunged without looking, much like his big brother would. "EH?!"

Turns out they weren't in a room, simply on a plate on top of a void of shadows. Suddenly Yukio realized what was happening and her threw the sword back at Rin and grabbed hold of the edge.

"YUKIO!" Rin's cry echoed like an injured kitten.

Looking down, Yukio saw a sight that made him sick to his stomach. Crawling from the void of hell created by this shadow, were demons, ghouls, ghosts, you name it. Bloody and tortured, their bodies severed from their heads, some sewn by bloody stitches, pain evident on their faces.

In unison a few called out "Illusion, or real~? Shadows or light~?"

"W-What?" full force of fear slammed on Yukio and he doubted everything that's happened. His thoughts rang through his head as he struggled to keep his grip.

'Why am I here? Have I made a wrong move? Is it cause I love Rin?'

He felt himself pulled back into reality by Rin's pissed screams. He shouted strings of profanity followed by desperate sobs.

"LEMME GO! I GOTTA HELP YUKIO! YOU BASTARD YOU...YOU" if you were to beep out his curses, it would've sounded like someones heart stopped.

Rin was clearly panicking. He wanted to just curl up and cry, wherever they were, or why he didn't care, he just wanted Yukio's safety.

The demon of a shadow with the blinding smile leaned over Yukio.

"You scared? Oh of course you are!" his voice was still mocking and cruel. "How will you get up here and be the hero? That big brother is useless trapped in a cage" it's taunting was drowned out by the poor souls beneath them.

"Illusions~" they chanted.

The demon shadow ignored them and continued taunting. 

"Shall I throw you off like this is a movie? You know...One small finger at a time?"

Darkness shrouded them like one big, illusion.

"You need light to kill me, and now there's no light left" It horrifyingly laughed, with a disturbing high pitched voice.

Rin feared for the worst, and grabbed his sword through the bars of his dark confinement.

"Illusions?" he thought out loud. "I wonder if..."

Using all his might, and all the small space he had left in his bird cage, he swung at the silver bars, only to watch them disintegrate by the swords touch.

"What now? I guess I gotta get that thing from Yukio..." something sticky and cold ran down his back. Spinning around, he came face to face with a demon oozing black blood.

"Young..Master? Why don't you stay?" it sounded like a lost child.

Yukio still hung on to the edge for dear life. When he tried to grab the shadow, it just distorted and he had nothing to grip to. He tried countless times to climb up, but he couldn't get his legs over the ledge without something extra to grab on, but that wasn't there.

'Maybe I can swing my leg over and... yeah!' he cleared his mind enough to throw one leg over the ledge and roll up. 'I made that harder than it needed to be' he sighed and looked around.

Because of the suffocating darkness, he could only see a few feet in front of him. Using his flames for light he found himself back over to the remains of a cage.

"Rin!!?" Yukio was in a slight panic. 'where did he go?! That idiot!'

The sound of a blade hitting the ground echoed, as Rin fell limp at Yukio's feet.

"RIN!? NII-SAN!? GET UP!!" could this get anymore terrifying?!!

Rin groaned and held the sword in Yukio's face. Not a word needed exchanged. Yukio knew what he had to do. His only mission, get rid of the demon.

"SHOW YOURSELF DEMON!" his only reply was evil giggles.

Yukio closed his eyes tight. 'I'm not useless....I can beat it' he mentally coached himself.

Bright blue flames sprouted from the ground in the shape of a pentagram, lighting the entire area around Rin and Yukio. Their blue flames twisted and turned, but stayed silent, there wasn't a single crackle from the strong flames. The same white smile appeared in front f him, just as mocking as ever.

"I'm done with you" Yukio hissed. Without caring quite where he hit, he violently slashed through the darkness.

It was defeated too easily...Yukio thought.

"I don't know when...But it'll be back, it has to be.." he stated coldly.

Rin slowly made his way over to Yukio, and leaned on his back, with his head draping over his shoulder.

"So~" Rin cracked a comedic smile "We done here? Cause uh, there are people waiting for us" he lightly laughed.

Yukio spun around and scolded Rin "God you're stupid, you know we just almost got killed!"

Rin pat Yukio's back with a huge smile "Yeah yeah, but I knew my little bro would protect me!"

"Whatever" Yukio breathed with a small blush. "Let's just get the hell out of...well where ever we are.."

"Your mind" Rin proudly patted Yukio's head.

Yukio pulled his annoying little brother close in a tight hug and closed his eyes happily knowing Rin was safe.



Beside the point~

Hello my dear Teacups, Sebastian had me doing work...So I couldn't update! My most sincere apologies!!

((Yeah! Hi! I've been busy, and when I wasn't busy I was lazy, I'm so sorry ;~; I hope this was worth the wait!! I promise to update more on other stories and if you want, an epilogue!

I'm not dead! I promise my dears! I will post I won't give up on my current stories! And yeah! I love all my darling Teacups~~~~!!

Btw, I love all your comments! It makes me so happy to know people read my writing <3

Anyhow, Comment, Vote, all that jazz ^_^


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